I'll at least give Shane Dawson and his feature film attempt this: at least he TRIED to make an actual movie. Does it work? Hellllllll no, he still relies too much on shock/gross humor, but I can at least recognize SOME effort he put in that he's trying to make genuine characters to follow around something resembling a story. Heck I even got a chuckle out of that watermelon scene, that was kind of clever. If be had someone that could reel him in and go "no that's too far, pull back" instead of letting him completely loose, maybe there's room for improvement for him? It's a bad bad baaaaad movie either way, no question, but even a TINY nugget of possibility like that is more than I can say about what I'm seeing from Smosh: The Movie.
Then again, it's a stretch to even call this a movie. This, the AVGN movie, The Nostalgia Critic's anniversary movies, they're nothing but vanity projects for these guys. These content creators just stroke their own egos by simply playing themselves as the hero of some toilet paper thin that's used only to string along a bunch of "LULZ SO RANDOM" hijinks; so how do you fill up time? Simple, throw in as many cameos of your fellow recognizable associates and references to their running gags as possible to compensate actually have to write anything! (I'll take BAD jokes over NO jokes at least). They're completely unfriendly to newcomers; if this was the very first time I saw these people, I wouldn't know who the hell they were or why I should care about them. It's just endless amounts of "OMG HEY IT'S THAT ONE PERSON!" or "LOL I REMEMBER THAT GAG FROM BEFORE!" Well, I don't know who these any of these people are or what is or isn't a running gags, so what's this supposed to do for an outsider like me? And if it ISN'T for an outsider like me, then why not just keep it on your own channel/website for your own fans? Because if you expect me to drive to a theater and PAY for you to mug around making low brow inside jokes, you got another thing coming.