The problem with YouTube

It's a wonderful hub of entertainment. It's proven that big budgets and producers aren't needed for entertaining content and series. But stop crossing mediums! Some humour is meant for the Internet and only the Internet. All these YouTubers writing books and making movies is worrying because I've yet to see a good thing come from them. Lake Tacota was pretty entertaining (mainly because it wasn't branded as being YouTube central). Don't get me started on NotCool as that film was *beep* atrocious. There are some genuinely talented people out there. Pioneer One is a good example of how YouTube can create some amazing content but nobody watched that, because everyone was busy on Jenna Marbles.

TL;DR. If you're gonna make content for and from YouTubers and cross into classic mediums then at least choose a talented personality that is able to create something worthwhile and not just a cash grab full of useless cameos


Crossing mediums is not the problem with YouTube talent. The problem is the type of "talents" that get noticed the most are the most low-brow kind, like Smosh, PewdiePie, and Shane Dawnson, to name just a few of the many "eccentric" characters out there. Of the three examples I named, if you look at the majority of their vids side-by-side, they all have one glaring thing in common -- "funny, exaggerated faces" on the thumbnail. It attracts a very specific kind of audience and, evidently, that makes up the majority of the most active YouTube audience. Smosh's type of humor is alright in small servings, I guess, but as a full-feature film I think it will be just as annoying to watch as an Adam Sandler flick. Since "buddy" movies have an audience in Hollywood, I guess it's possible this movie will succeed. Time will tell.


I agree. All these big youtubers are ridiculous. I also blame Google for giving them the opportunity to profit from these videos. Now they're everywhere and everyone is trying to copy them. Its fine for some since they actually have great content and talent, but others are getting paid just for talking and doing ludicrous things. Its like they're promoting this kinda behavior.

Those three you named are a few of those un-funny youtubers. They post stupid things, and one of them just vlogs himself screaming at video games. I don't get why they have so many subs. What is wrong with the world?



I'll at least give Shane Dawson and his feature film attempt this: at least he TRIED to make an actual movie. Does it work? Hellllllll no, he still relies too much on shock/gross humor, but I can at least recognize SOME effort he put in that he's trying to make genuine characters to follow around something resembling a story. Heck I even got a chuckle out of that watermelon scene, that was kind of clever. If be had someone that could reel him in and go "no that's too far, pull back" instead of letting him completely loose, maybe there's room for improvement for him? It's a bad bad baaaaad movie either way, no question, but even a TINY nugget of possibility like that is more than I can say about what I'm seeing from Smosh: The Movie.

Then again, it's a stretch to even call this a movie. This, the AVGN movie, The Nostalgia Critic's anniversary movies, they're nothing but vanity projects for these guys. These content creators just stroke their own egos by simply playing themselves as the hero of some toilet paper thin that's used only to string along a bunch of "LULZ SO RANDOM" hijinks; so how do you fill up time? Simple, throw in as many cameos of your fellow recognizable associates and references to their running gags as possible to compensate actually have to write anything! (I'll take BAD jokes over NO jokes at least). They're completely unfriendly to newcomers; if this was the very first time I saw these people, I wouldn't know who the hell they were or why I should care about them. It's just endless amounts of "OMG HEY IT'S THAT ONE PERSON!" or "LOL I REMEMBER THAT GAG FROM BEFORE!" Well, I don't know who these any of these people are or what is or isn't a running gags, so what's this supposed to do for an outsider like me? And if it ISN'T for an outsider like me, then why not just keep it on your own channel/website for your own fans? Because if you expect me to drive to a theater and PAY for you to mug around making low brow inside jokes, you got another thing coming.


Your post covers pretty much everything except for one thing... which is the thing that makes these youtubers "famous" (even if only on youtube) and accounts for 99% of their views/subscribers... young kids. Shane Dawson might have millions of views/subscribers, but almost all of them are from children ages 8-13 (regardless of youtube's age requirements). Very, VERY few (if any) adults find shane dawson, smosh, pewdiepie, etc funny, and any attempt they make to move their persona to television, film, etc, just isn't going to work. They've found a niche: feeding bland, over-the-top comedy to young impressionable kids but unfortunately you can only go so far with that.


The problem is the type of "talents" that get noticed the most are the most low-brow kind, like Smosh, PewdiePie, and Shane Dawnson, to name just a few of the many "eccentric" characters out there.

If the internet is a septic tank, then YouTube is the poop. Don't get me wrong. There's a lot of great content on there, but you're right. For the most part, it's the stupid garbage that gets the most views. I remember how back in the day, we all harbored this dream that YouTube would be a place where we'd find amazing undiscovered talent. That all died with the rise of idiots like PewDiePie and all these other talentless boobs who cater to moronic 8 year olds.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


Preach, sis.


Hey Guys My name is Quinn C (with the James Bond emblem) and I review movies new and old, in particular James Bond. Now YouTube is a tough world to get big in, so if anyone wants to message about different YouTube reviewers that they love, this is the place. Whether it's Jeremyjahns, screenjunkies, or even me, Quinn C, what is your favorite
