Bob Lee as shooter

Why on earth did they target Bob Lee to pin the crime on? I realize the show mostly tries to say it was because he is one of only a few people in the US (world?) who could make that shot but then why make the shot so complicated? Why not make the shot a little less difficult and pick someone not as intelligent and with military training who wouldn't fight back as hard to pin it on. Its not like they didn't know the type of person he is and how he doesnt lay down and do as he's told. hell they could have even pinned it on the old loner guy in the woods and it probably wouldn't have caused as many problems.


I only watched the pilot so if it's anything like the movie it's because of some cover up the military is trying to hide it and Bob Lee was part of it.


Don't want to post spoilers here but you need to get further into the show. Last week had Omar Epps' character of Isaac Johnson summarize how deep this is.

They needed someone with the right skills who they could easily erase and blame his PTSD. But they chose foolishly. It's one of the reasons military veterans like this series, it shows that returning vets aren't easily stereotyped.

HOW would they have chosen someone who had to get right up next to the foreign president and shoot him? You don't think there was the utmost security? It had to be a sniper to match the sniper who actually did it. You are ignoring the seriousness and complexity of the crime.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


I've watched every episode. Also I didn't say the shooter had to be next to them but they could have been closer than they were considering apparently only like 3 or 4 people in the world could shoot that far accurately. Again, how is Bob Lee easily erased? He has a wife and kid. They wouldn't notice or care? I guess they also needed someone that they could find a way to place at the scene.


It helps to have read the book and watched the movie to understand how obviously logical your question is, which is to say that the series makes no sense. "Johnson" (a name made up for the movie and held over here) inexplicably knows Swagger and served with him but still expects him to be duped by this whole thing. But of course if Payne had done his job it wouldn't have mattered. This series proves that when you dilute the source material a couple of times it just doesn't have the same impact. Read the book and realize what it actually took to persuade Swagger to be anywhere near this whole thing, and why they physically needed him to do the legwork for them and you'll understand.
