When you make a show about a sniper...
Why can't you budget for blanks?
To the company's credit: I actually can't say for sure they haven't used blank guns in any of the gunfights. I feel like I've watched a lot of gunplay in the show and not been annoyed by post-production muzzle flashes and semi-autos that don't cycle or eject cases. So if armory deficiencies have been covered up with editing then excellent work!
But this is a show about a world-class sniper, and we get plenty of close-ups of him ostensibly firing bolt guns with lethal ranges out past a mile. And they never move. There is zero muzzle blast and zero recoil.
Want to know what a real mile+ rifle looks like when it fires? It's awesome: http://bit.ly/2ihBoky. And it's worth the cost and time of getting an armorer on set with some proper blanks, and clearing a safe area to film those shots. Blanks in bolt guns are so easy I'd do the job for free if I weren't on the wrong coast. Bonus: The actor only has to suffer a third of the recoil of the real thing, but the blank blast out of an unrestricted bore can tuned to be even more dramatic effects than a real round.
(Seriously guys – message me, I'll get you sorted.)