i'm out of bullets

Now i'm not a gun person but according to wiki that "bullets" guy had glock 34 which can hold up to 17 rounds, together they emptied 10 rounds in to that paper target, now that leaves at least 7 in

Bullets, who the hell says that, don't people usually say i'm out or out of ammo?
It's just sounded silly to me, just like the whole premise.


Maybe they make their own ammo with bullets, shells and powder on the spot? Kind of like hipsters assebling their own cigarettes with tobacco and paper. So he was out of bullets and couldn't make more rounds.


Who cares? I really don't get people these days trying to nit pick every god damn thing, it ain't about entertainment anymore it's just about finding something to whine about.

The guy ain't holding the gun correctly, the dude has an Indian Scout bike dated 2012 but he died back in 2010 so how is that possible? Jumping from that height would kill anyone ! Bob Lee is a stupid name !

If you want pure accuracy then Discovery Channel is there for you.


so you basically whining about someone else whining, brilliant


Glock mag can hold 10 15 17 30, 50 drum..9mm here.
Most LEO or gun folks don't just have 1 15 round mag, but 2 to 4.

Anything longer than a 17 mag makes the pistol have a very long extension which isn't very common or used with military or Law enforcement.
..so while yes it's feasible he could be out, it wouldn't be after a single 10 mag in a glock 9mm


He (Epps) says, "let me see your 45."

The gun they are shooting is a SIG 226, which is a 9mm, but if they were shooting a 45 (SIG 220) which looks very much like the same gun... it has an 8+1 capacity.
But that would mean that Pain doesn't keep the +1 in the chamber.

Either way, a real shooter usually won't say, "bullets."
Technically they are cartridges. But most guys says rounds or ammo. There is also no way that a gun guy doesn't carry more mags.


It is the SIG220 and he Payne said he was out because he know Isaac was going to make him shoot again (and again and again).

Real shooters say all kinds of things, bullets, ammo, lead, etc.


No--- most ammo is either brass, steel, or copper.

Lead is soft and shoots dirty. Plus it is corrosive and can pit your gun. Won't find much LEAD in modern ammo.
Plus... they are cartridges, not bullets.


we deal in lead, son....

a shooter said that.


Also, you can tell by the profile it is a 226.
Probably a prop gun.

They know most people can't tell a 220 from a 226 by profile.

That is a 226.


Maybe they had to buy mag limiters (or smaller mags) thanks to the gun grabbing folks who think "10 rounds is more than enough, so 10 is all you should have".

People who think like that should watch the videos of real armed robberies where someone fought off the bad guys and it took a lot of rounds (which is what I typically call "bullets/cartridges/shells/ammo").

Especially if defending against multiple attackers... bad guys seem to be hard to stop sometimes, and it's not like the movies where you shoot once and the bad guy crumples like a sack of potatoes. No... in real life they seem more like a horror movie bad guy where they get up, charge again, fall, get up again, charge, etc. Spooky.


Real gun guys say bullets, rounds, slugs, *beep* plinkers...etc. get it?
The pistol used was likely p226 and if .45, wouldn't hold many rounds in the mag...
So the obvious slution is multiple mags, if you are going for stopping power of a .45

Personally and professionally 9mm is the goto round due to ballistics and capacity.
The preferred model in p226 sig is the MK-25, which is a superior pistol to the basic p226.
The preferred reliable no frill pistol is a glock 19 9mm which can be dunked in mud and still discharge...no saftey except for the middle trigger guard (which the Navy decided was not acceptable with no de-cock saftey.
The glock 18 is the preferred fully automatic pistol for those able to use em..leo, uncle sam.


Most shooters will tell you they use their handguns to shoot their way to their rifles.
