MovieChat Forums > Shooter (2016) Discussion > Super Sniper gets doped on his scope?

Super Sniper gets doped on his scope?

After the 1st shot, he should have known, his followup dust trail was a joke...but I do like boobie-trap round.
His shooting position was wrong, prone w 1 leg up, finger on trigger..nope.
As for Omar on the Barrett, a round that big would discharge the shotgun remington 870?...and take her out as well...the .50 is anti material more than personell...too sloppy and makes a big mess.
.338 or even 308 would have been the right tool for his distance...bUT I like the show. Keep em coming 2A


Bobby Lee is a trained sniper, that guy was just a marksman.


I agree him not noticing his zero had been messed with was a bit embarrassing. You would think after that he might've checked his ammo also. But then he was just a marksman not a sniper like the guy said.


I agree him not noticing his zero had been messed with was a bit embarrassing.
Swagger never seems to have given a moment's consideration that Lon Scott probably had video surveillance on his office, and might have reviewed, or had someone review, what Swagger did in his office, when he was alone.

What would Swagger have done if Scott's special rifle was safely locked up?


That marksmen reference is just an insult from Bob Lee. I got the impression he was a sniper.. ex-military, hence the missing leg: lost in battle from a mine perhaps?

"You're wrong. It's four times the risk, and I'm double the worst trouble you ever had."


I thought it was mentioned that he lost his leg in an accident (maybe car?) before he had a chance to be dispatched?

God is an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live.


Lon said he lost his leg and never got the chance to serve. Hence Bob Lee's taunt that he'd never had to shoot in combat conditions.


Agree with the other responses, but must take a minute to praise the script writers. Bob Lee had three purposes to go to see Lon Scott in his office that day.
#1 to arrange an exchange for his wife and daughter by offering himself up as the prize
#2 to sabotage Scott's rifle
#3 to continue to taunt him into a frenzy. Lon Scott was so focused on killing Bob Lee in a long shot and thus proving his superiority that he failed to do what a well trained sniper would do: check his rifle and his ammo.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert
