"The only rifle powerful enough"?
I don't think they understand how rifles work...
Like most wannabes, he starts fuckin' up fast and pickin' up speed.
I don't think they understand how rifles work...
Like most wannabes, he starts fuckin' up fast and pickin' up speed.
I'm an imaginative guy, so if I were really giving them the benefit of the doubt I'd suggest a premise that they're shooting overpressure loads -- something with max pressure in excess of 100kpsi, which would then literally be too "powerful" for a conventional rifle barrel. We don't do that in real life because it's not practical, but at least it's plausible.
Would be nice if the writers asked somebody to add a line of dialog like this justifying what otherwise makes them sound ignorant of the art.
(Seriously guys: Message me – I'll edit your scripts for free!)
I considered that but a 94 year old Mosin-Nagant can take a filled to the brim overpowered load with the most powerful modern powder and still keep on shooting.
Like most wannabes, he starts fuckin' up fast and pickin' up speed.
You can destroy any rifle by filling a case with Red Dot or any similarly fast powder and seating one of the caliber's heavier bullets on top. The whole point of reloading manuals is to avoid rupturing barrels or actions by inadvertently mixing powder charges and bullets that would produce peak pressures that far exceed the caliber's design pressure.
shareSure enough, S1E9, Bob Lee kills Lon Scott by slipping a hot load into the rifle's round carrier. Granted, good modern rifles are designed to fail in ways that vent overpressures and shrapnel anywhere but straight back at the shooter's head. But I guess when you're dealing with a wildcat round and a custom gun with only four copies, that's a risk you run ;)
That was even more refreshing because it explains why earlier in the episode Bob Lee thought it was a great time to break out the handloading gear :D
Had the same thought..
The guy should have said something along the lines of "Powerfully enough built to consistently fire these rounds" or "This rifle is one of X rifle's robust enough to fire these bullets".
As in "can take the powder load while at the same time not destroying the rifling".
I doubt the existence in reality, of a rifle with robust enough a barrel to consistently fire bullets (non sabot) as hard as those portrayed in this tv series.
There are probably several reasons that for example tungsten(wolfram) based projectiles have some form of softer outer coating. The main one as far as I can make out, is that such a hard substance would rapidly turn ones "rifle" into a smoothbore curiosity.
I could probably go on but I figure we all get the picture..
It is really off putting how these blatant idiocies keep being overlooked.
Over the whole episode 6 was slightly more cringe inducing then the others due to that comment alone, and it really really did not help that episode 7 starts of with a repeat of that part of episode 6..
Now I need only wait for the lightweight electro magnetically powered projectile weapon to rear its head in the show. I will then know its time to stop watching. Sadly until then I will be watching, since this seems to be one of the few shows actually worth wasting ones downtime on of late.
The guy should have said something along the lines of "Powerfully enough built to consistently fire these rounds" or "This rifle is one of X rifle's robust enough to fire these bullets".
I just had to check. Yes, I dont have a life.
He says:
"There are only four rifles in the world that are strong enough to fire a bullet like that, and thats one of them.".
He also says:
"That rifle, and my bullet, is rated at a quarter MOA". (whatever the F "MOA" is)
My humble question is, how does he know there aren't other guns out there capable of firing "his" bullet? Ill guess ill just add that one to the long list of plot holes.
MOA is Minute of Angle. A quarter of MOA means the bullet flies very true and accurate at a very long distance.
Just because you don't understand why they know other rifles wouldn't fire the bullet, doesn't make it a plot hole.
If the series explained everything, we'd not only have to have 2 hour episodes, we'd all fall asleep during them.
It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert
He's also supposed to be expert who trains snipers, and he designs bullets, so no doubt he keeps on top of developments, techniques etc.
shareI was confused by this too. I know absolutely nothing about guns so my first thought was "those 50cal guns looks both bigger and more powerful than the black king". Now I understand from this thread apparently its the fact that it can handle high pressure rounds that makes it oh so special. That could've been clarified.
shareYeah it's fiction.."only 4 rifles in the world..."
But I have loaded .308 with Hornady red-tip polymer bullets.
Soooooo..while the premise is way off, and the paper patching is a more accurate representation of how projectiles can be disguised,
I will give them an A for "ray-gun" creativity. Beam me up Scotty.