Are these President saving shows going to stop now that Trump will be in
Because it seems most the world would be cheering for the assassins, which leaves the only positive viewers to LESS than half of the north American public?
shareBecause it seems most the world would be cheering for the assassins, which leaves the only positive viewers to LESS than half of the north American public?
shareNot most of the world. Most people here in Eastern Europe support Trump and almost all of the shows we watch are American, so...
shareNot most of the world. Most people here in Eastern Europe support Trump and almost all of the shows we watch are American, so...
Well, it's mainly the fact that he's more conservative. Most people here are against Islamic immigration, gay marriage, feminism and are generally more socially conservative. It's also about Russia. Hillary seemed very aggressive towards Russia, and Trump doesn't, so anyone that helps things nudge just a little bit away from the war that seemed brewing is fine by us.
The main issue though is trying to prevent the same Islamic immigration disaster that happened in Western countries to happen here. My countrymen have been constantly attacked, enslaved and subjugated by Muslims for the past 1000 years, and we want to prevent that from happening again.
I mean do offense to you or to any Swedish person, but Sweden is actually seen as an example of failed liberal policies, given the crime/rape issues that were brought on by Islamic immigrants.
That's not to say we have anything against Swedish people. On the contrary, the native Swedish are seen here like some advanced race that is more civilized and superior to us in every way. You are seen almost like the equivalent of Elves in Tolkien's universe. We just think you're too kind and nice, and others are taking advantage of you.
Sweden is one of my favorite countries in the world, and we'd really hate it if you were to be taken over by Islamists. So maybe you need more "white power" people in your country. Not racists, we hate those too, but people proud of their heritage who are willing to do what they can to conserve it.
So, to sum it up, that's mostly why we like Trump, because he's against Islamic immigration, but also in favor of other more conservative social policies and less aggressive towards Russia. He doesn't seem like a supporter of third wave feminism either.
That's not to say that we think he's right on all issues though, or even that he's very smart. We have social democratic governments that offer universal healthcare and free education, which he doesn't seem to support. We also don't like his exaggerated patriotism, his hatred of Edward Snowden and other whistle blowers, and many other issues. He does seem to like lying a lot and isn't very logical in his actions, or very coherent in his speech, but overall most people here think he was a lesser evil compared to the war hawk Hillary that had a very aggressive stance against Russia.
> I'm from Sweden...
You guys don't have a country any more and are completely f[u]cked.
Swimming in muslims who in 20 years will have a changed country.
I hope you like praying because it's all you are going to be doing pretty soon!
Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks
How come is that?
I'm from Sweden... and here you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who likes him at all. Only ones I've seen liking him are the white power bunch... and they are not many here.
"How come is that?
I'm from Sweden... and here you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who likes him at all. Only ones I've seen liking him are the white power bunch... and they are not many here."
That's because most of you are blind to the fact that you are so easily persuaded by leftist media. Most people are dumb. In Norway, the election was 'won' before it started in the media, and you'd be surprised how people swallow everything they read. Or ... would you?
Sweden is so murked, 163k immigrants 2015, 144k 2016, in a country with around 10 mil ppl.
Politicans here haven't even realized that there are problems within that medieval religion that needs to be addressed, that's not even on the agenda.
"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."
Most people here in Eastern Europe support Trump
Because everyone knows Eastern Europe is socially conservative?
sharePoverty = limited education = religion = social "conservatism" = idiocy.
shareWhat poverty? Are you one of those idiots that have been fooled by the fake news reports of Western media? There is no widespread poverty in Eastern Europe. At least not greater than in any other developed part of the world. Or are you one of those people that think anyone that doesn't live in a mansion is poor?
Your crooked Western statistics and outright lies about the economy here are nothing but laughable. Romania has a lower unemployment rate than the US, fewer homeless people, less violence, and better educated people.
Apparently your ignoramous a$$ has never heard of this right people in the civilized world have called free education. In Romania, everyone can get a PhD if they so desire, for free. Even the poorest of children get a college education. I was from a relatively modest family and I grew up to have a Master's Degree in Linguistics. Some of my best friends are all computer and mechanical engineers, and none of us were from rich families. Also, we don't have any student debt. ZERO! We also have universal healthcare. So, I'd rather be in this "poor" country than in the US or the Islamic Caliphates of Western Europe any time.
The reason why we are not liberals is because our universities are not Cultural Marxist indoctrination centers. Politics has no place in our schools, only reason. Being from a former communist country, we know how to identify Marxism and avoid it like the plague. Modern liberals from the West are cultural Marxists. So yeah, you're a very ignorant and bigoted person. We know how to benefited to run a social democrat society that isn't plagued by modern liberal/Cultural Marxist ideology. Cultural Marxism is the true idiocy, not being a conservative. Being a conservative is being a person that defends their heritage. It's perfectly logical.
Trump's presidency shouldn't have ANYTHING to do w/television shows, and not EVERYONE will be cheering for assassins; I know plenty who do NOT want any harm to Donald Trump - He will be our next President and everyone should respect that just like a lot of people who didn't vote for Obama did respect him b/c he was our President. I think the same should apply for our very soon to be next President - Donald Trump. We should all give him a chance as we did w/Obama.
shareThis show isn't about saving presidents.
shareIts a show about the main character being a "badass sniper" (from his Marine Corps line of duty) who was framed for something he didn't do. Its not about saving presidents I agree, there is so much more to the story on this show than about presidents. I was just answering the OP's question about when Donald Trump becomes president if they would stop "President saving shows". I just answered him the way I felt about his stupid question b/c is a *beep* television show" not RL .. Again, Shooter has a lot of more storyline its not all about presidents being saved, I really like this show a lot b/c so much going on. I also love the lead actor as well, glad to see him working again. I also loved the movie a few years ago w/Mark W., it was great!
shareI know I was replying to the OP.
shareHaha, you people crack me up.
So, because Hillary had 0.2% more votes out of the total, that represents over half of the entire country? Only around half of the voting age people even voted so your comment of "LESS than half of the north American public" is pretty far off. People under 18 watch shows, too.
Only 55.4% of eligible voters even participated in the election.
All those who voted for her aren't the extreme leftist intolerant types who would refrain from watching a "President saving show" because they want Trump to be shot.
You leftists really are morons, and it's absolutely awesome sitting back watching you all have meltdowns while you get exactly what you deserve.
Keep clinging to those SJW, socialist far left principles though. It's quite entertaining watching the left totally implode.
I suggest you watch mr. Trump implode,,,,,sit back and enjoy the show
sharewho exactly would profit from killing a puppet? they just another black, orange, yellow, makes no difference
now be a good citizen and vote in 4 years for whoever
Now they will start making Presidential comedies and being killed series.....
shareFighting over Trump on IMDB...
Like, really!?