This vs Vikings ?

Witch one is better ?

Do these shows have anything in common ?




Both are interesting. Neither are realy historical.

I slightly prefer 'The last kingdom'. Not perfect, but highly enjoyable.



Vikings is most made up so I would agree with you on that point. The Last Kingdom, however, does have a more historical focus; just watch the last sequence of the final episode describing how Guthrum was baptised etc. The difference between Vikings and the Last Kingdom is that Vikings is based on a myth, the myth of Ragnar Lothbrok of which everything is only speculated. The Last Kingdom, however, is genuine historical fiction. This means that while it does take liberties with the works, it does so without breaking the general flow of history.

Read Bernard Cornwall's books. The series is based on his Warrior Chronicles, which are historical fiction, although personally I much preferred his take on King Arthur in the Warlord Chronicles (the Winter King, Enemy of God and Excalibre).


Not necessarily true. The Last Kingdom is based on a historical fiction series. While it is 'fiction' due to the dialogue and the main characters; however, the events are mostly accurate. Plus Alfred the Great was a real king that reigned over Wessex during this time. Ubba and Ivar were also real Danes that battled and conquered most of England - including Northumbria (where Uthred is from) and East Anglia (where they killed King Edmund..

So while Vikings is based on a myth, this show is based on true events.


Do these shows have anything in common ?

A lot of Ragnars...

Vikings is told from a Norsemen point of view, whereas TLK is told from a Saxon point of view.
Vikings (especially the first season) shows the viewer many aspects of the Norse culture and family life. TLK is more focused on the (fictional) story of Uhtred and his (fictional) role in the (historical) birth/idea of England under the reign of Alfred the Great.
Vikings takes a little more time to tell the story. TLK really compresses to whole novels in only 8 episodes. They did a good job but it does feel rushed, and not only to the book readers.

Both shows are worth the watch. If you're very nit-picky about historical accuracy I would skip Vikings. Hirst takes larger liberties than Cornwell (writer of the novels) does.
Vikings has Travis... I rest my case.

"Now, who has the key?"



I'm a fan of Aslaug (one of the few).
I've always felt that her character had potential, but somehow Hirst didn't feel the need to let her character shine. I'm really hoping that season 4 will be a great season for Ragnar's queen.

"Now, who has the key?"


Mine are Floki (albeit they really messed him up in the last season) and Lagertha (also not treated that well).

But I'm also looking forward how Rollo is dealing in the future...

As for the shows:

I'd watch both if you like this sujet.

Maybe Ragnar is a slightly better charcater than Uthred, for he is more mature, while on the other hand I like Alfred more than Egbert for the latter one has become a bit "sleazy".

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


It will intresting to see what Hirst's version of Alfred the great will be, and how it differs to Cornwell's.


SevenHouses (Sat Dec 5 2015 12:45:48)
Post Edited: Sun Dec 6 2015 00:31:25

I'm a fan of Aslaug (one of the few).
I've always felt that her character had potential, but somehow Hirst didn't feel the need to let her character shine. I'm really hoping that season 4 will be a great season for Ragnar's queen.

"Now, who has the key?"

Aslaug isn't my favourite but I like her...yet.
Much more I like your profile-picture (Ragnar). 

To sweeten your Sunday...Forecast for Vikings' Season 4:
Hirst also revealed that Fimmel's character might have some bitter experience from his wife.

"Aslaug was the daughter of a very famous, almost mythic Viking hero who killed a dragon, according to the sagas. She's reconnecting herself to her Viking roots, which is to some extent making her a darker character but it's also giving her a purpose and strength. Ragnar's got to bump up against that. She is much more her own woman," he said.

And now, after we talked shortly about TLK on the Vikings' Board and about the Vikings on the TLK's Board → Deuce!



"Now, who has the key?"


Vikings is based almost exclusively in fantasy. The Last Kingdom is based , Uhtred aside, in historical fact.

The only historical reference to Ragnar Lothbrok in England is a story of him being shipwrecked on the shores of Northumbria and killed by being thrown into King Aella's pit of vipers.

What Vikings does have though, and neither the books nor the TV series of the Last Kingdom have, is some exploration of pagan ways, how people thought and how their lives were based around their gods. Uhtred may be pagan in name, but he never says or does anything related to it!


The only historical reference to Ragnar Lothbrok in England is a story of him being shipwrecked on the shores of Northumbria and killed by being thrown into King Aella's pit of viper

This sure looks very likely to happen in season 4.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


I started watching Vikings and kind of lost interest after the 4th episode. Might get back to it later. Whereas TLK had me watching every night for a week avidly seeing what happened next. While Vikins is not bad, TLK is definitely better IMO.



It took me a while to get into Vikings, but it does pick up eventually


I like both shows but I prefer TLK as it has just had more cash spent on it and it shows. However, there are historical inaccuracies in the way the English are portrayed in it and these have been mentioned elsewhere on these boards. However, on the whole TLK was a great series. In Vikings, there are some very interesting characters and I love the way that Old English is used. That sounds so good. Again, i'm not that enamoured with the way the English are portrayed in Vikings. They are often made to look totally incompetent and stupid, at least they are in the episodes I have seen.


In Vikings, there are some very interesting characters and I love the way that Old English is used. That sounds so good.

I like it too.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Vikings is awesome and this is not, at least I didn't think so. I'm never really bored watching Vikings but am during this. I fell asleep during most if not all episodes.

real human being and a real hero


You think the English are bad? Be glad you're not natively scandinavian. As great a show as it is, Vikings has so many historical and cultural inaccuracies it hurts. Especially cultural.


I prefer this to Vikings to be honest.


Others have done the compare/contrast; I'll just say that I very much enjoy both, for different reasons despite how 'similar' they are.


Others have done the compare/contrast; I'll just say that I very much enjoy both, for different reasons despite how 'similar' they are.
