MovieChat Forums > The Gift (2015) Discussion > Feminists are upset at the fact we don't...

Feminists are upset at the fact we don't get to see Robyn's reaction....

To her knowledge of the potential Rape.

Why did we need to see that? The whole point of the ending is to see Simon's World destroyed and I doubt Simon
Would ever tell Robyn anyway. She would just hate him even more.

Neither Gordo nor Simon would ever tell Robyn about Gordo's final gift. So I don't think it was a cop out not to show her reaction



Joel Edgerton is upset at the fact that idiots (i.e. radical 'femi nists') are watching his film.
Robyn fainted, hit her head on a hard wooden floor and is out cold. All we know for sure is that Gordo stroked her legs, and that wasn't anywhere near aggressive enough to wake her up.


Pretty sure he drugged her.


Yeah he did, sorry about that.
At first I thought that she fainted from paranoia.


Ah, is that what that Gatorade shot was supposed to signify? Missed that, makes a bit more sense now.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


You got a link for that? I'm a feminist, and I'm not upset. I also don't think she was raped. I think that was a "gift" for Simon to worry about.


"Feminists are upset" -- yeah, like we have one hive mind and all think alike. That didn't part didn't upset me at all.


I've seen 3 posts now saying that feminists are all upset with the movie, but not one source - hmm...


This particular female film critic in the link below is not all that thrilled with Joel Edgerton regarding this movie.


Thanks for the source! (I can never find a way to say that online w/o it sounding sarcastic :D )


The term used online if you sincerely want a source is "sauce". Although people normally want sources of other things when they say that, lol.


So-- one chick.
I liked the ambiguity of the ending, myself. The audience is intelligent enough to do their own speculation. And I'm one step away from a femmie-nazi.


I'm not at all upset about that. What I didn't like was the overused trope of hurting a woman to cause the man pain. She was largely innocent in it all,a nd she was drugged, at the very least molested - we see him feeling her up on the tape, and potentially raped, all to punish a man.
that's what ruined the movie for me. I'm so sick of men being punished by lazy writers just saying , yeah have hte woman raped and that'll hurt the guy.



But is he really hurt because of Robyn, I wonder? At several points in the movie he seems to be a bully to her rather than an actual loving husband. At NO point in The Gift did he seem to regard her as an equal. Early on, in his new office, she seems to ask him for permission to continue the work she wants to do. The fact that he actually gives his permission ('You can do anything you want'), followed by guidelines ('I don't want you to do anything that is stressful') does not seem to indicate that they operate as equals.

When he finds the pills, he corrects her as if he were her father. The scene was rather indicative of their roles in the marriage - and it was somewhat disturbing.

It's the child that Gordo intends to hurt him with, not Robyn. Always wondering whether your child is actually yours might make any man feel less of a man. Simon has always had his way - but not this time. He might not even have his own child...


Oh,all you anti-feminist trolls (who don't even know what the hell feminism even means half the damn time) shut the hell up and quit your damn whining, and your stupid-a** stereotyping of us. Like one poster said, we sure as hell don't all think alike. but all you anti-feminist idiots damn sure seem to.




I agree. Guys like these gotta take a good movie and start ranting about their own issues, dragging women into it. &


yeah, cause feminists never stereotype anyone...

Also, do all feminists have such dirty mouths?


Yeah, it's like those airport drop off announcements on a loop. And it's all over the damn internet tonight-- guess nobody has company over spring break. Which if they talk to actual girls like this, doesn't surprise me.

Male film lovers out there, you have my sympathy. Y'all must cringe as bad as we do when these bozos show up in the middle of a reasonable discussion.


All I see is that the OP was itching for an excuse to whine about feminists. Probably some girl dumped him recently so now he blames all women who don't bend to his whim.

Besides, Robyn will find out if she was raped - if Simon won't tell her then Gordo will, that was his promise. But honestly, she probably didn't get raped. After all, Gordo had his life ruined due to lies, and it would be even to ruin Simon's in the same way. Gordo didn't need to drop to the level of actually raping someone to cause damage.


Yeah, that was my interpretation, although I appreciate how the filmmaker left just that little seed of doubt to drive us crazy.


I agree that it wasn't necessary but neither was this thread. Feminism again..seriously?


What is a feminist? and why do you seem so worried about the concerns and opinions of such creatures?
