Danny McDonald
Let me start by saying I loved this film. The three primary actors did a wonderful job. Nothing but thumbs up.
That said, my only nitpick is everything about Danny McDonald. It's pretty apparent that Edgerton didn't do any research on corporate America.
Danny McDonald. So many issues with this guy. Where do I start?
1. So, Kevin introduces him as "runs legal" which most likely means he is head of the legal department of a billion dollar corporation. Fine.
2 - This gent should have been completely vetted before he was hired yes?
3 - DM hires on as head of legal to then want to get in to sales???
4 - Why would a billion $ corporation even consider DM for a high level sales position?
5 - Oh, and Kevin is the "National Divisions Sales Rep." Rep? That's the promotion?
6 - How can an email from an anonymous person take down a guy who was vetted to be head of legal?
7 - How is a legal guy in line for a high level sales position?
8 - How does a guy about to be fired gain access to private emails?
9 - Corporations are not so stupid to fire people without more cause than one email.
Love the film. Hated the Danny McDonald part.