Dialogue that made me HATE Simon
This dialogue pretty much shows, in a nutshell what a rotten, sociopathic bastard Simon was.
Holy *beep* I'm an *beep* Robyn, okay? I made his life a living hell and I treated him like *beep* Is that what you're trying to figure out? That I was an *beep* I was an *beep* okay? My dad was an *beep* to me, treated me like *beep* But I took it. I sucked it up. I'm not on my hands and knees crying about it, praying about it. Stuck in the *beep* past about it. I moved on. I made something of my life. This world's about *beep* winners and losers, and we're all in the same *beep* playground, you know? Guess what? That this guy lost and then he's moaning about it, is just him being stuck because he wants to be stuck because he can't get past the *beep* moment. He's not going to pull me back and apologize for something I don't know about, that I'm not responsible for, that I don't care about. I don't owe that guy *beep*
Yeah, what a horrible human being. People like him need to be shot in the face. share