MovieChat Forums > Er ist wieder da (2017) Discussion > This Film Is Immensely Relevant To Our T...

This Film Is Immensely Relevant To Our Times

Er Ist Wieder Da (Look Who's Back) is a highly enlightening film based
on the premise on what would happen if Hitler literally came back.
Under the guise of a comedy, it illuminates the human condition - how
in times of political and societal ills and ultimately in crisis,
people are radicalized beyond good reason and look for a man to vent
their internalized frustrations. You c_unts have allowed yourselves to
be brainwashed into thinking Hitler was pure evil, eating up the
Western propaganda without questioning it. I roll my eyes every time.
But really, are you so different from him? In the film, Hitler says how
ordinary people elected an extraordinary man to lead them. But yet
still a man. (The elected part is complicated though as Hiter was
actually appointed Chancellor because he had a third of the seats in
the Reichstag and his influence was undeniable.) That in their very
core, they were all like him. Inevitably, a part of them. And indeed,
Hitler is only second to Jesus Christ in terms of his immense influence
yet only having lived so recently. He is a part of us all. So are you
really as good as you think you are? That deep inside - not even really
that deep - you do not have natural, primal prejudices? Do the people
really know what is good for themselves? In reality, people have an
inevitable tendency to look for a strong man to lead them in times of
strife and confusion despite the consequences. Because we do not like
to make hard decisions so we let someone else do it.

This film is immensely relevant to our times for yet again history is
repeating itself. Europe is gradually being radicalized due to their
xenophobia of immigrants which they will adamantly and hypocritically
deny but it is obvious. In fact, I asked an irritatingly arrogant
teacher about the possibility of Europe being governed by radicals
again and surprisingly being a learned historian of sorts, he said it
was not possible. That they had "learned their lesson." Indeed, he
forgot the central tenet of history of the fact that history always
repeats itself. It is arrogant to dismiss the possibility for just look
at our times.The US and not so surprisingly the Philippines - despite
having just so recently toppled a dictatorship - are being attracted to
strongmen - one of whose candidates is the very SON of that dictator -
that vent out the people's polarization because DEMOCRACY DOES NOT WORK
as well as you have been deludingly been led to believe. But as the
saying goes, "do not forget history lest you repeat it." But yet it is
still so easy to forget. In fact, however, all so-called democratic
elections are manipulated. Little men are not in charge of their
destinies as the big men have led them to believe to control them.
Indeed, even Winston Churchill said - "it has been said that democracy
is the worst form of government except all the others that have been

History is written by the victors.   




I read it, but feel the author lost quite a bit of credibility by calling the readers the C-word early on. Too bad: articulate, can spell, probably has some intriguing ideas, but will never get them across that way.
