MovieChat Forums > Wrecked (2016) Discussion > My first thought was Malaysian Airlines ...

My first thought was Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

This could really be happening on some island out there, lol.


If your first thought wasnt LOST, you dont watch good televsion



If you think Lost was awful, you must love Sponge Bob.


Lost was great! Lost's finale was awful. Why we dragging Spongebob into this?

Shawn: Like my father always says, real men take bubble baths


Woah woah woah. Let's not say something we can't take back.


I have been in this debate before, no one wins but here we go....

Lost was season 1-2 were great. But once the "Others" could leave the island when they wanted on the submarine or when people that died just started showing up again it was terrible. The show never made sense, at all. Then you have the train wreck season where they didn't wreck and such. An amazing show seasons 1-2 after that it was just awful. Sorry. If people wonder my favorite shows are Game of Thrones, Walking Dead and the old school Law n Orders.
