Phil Tandy.

Didn't Phil Tandy have an imaginary friend named Javier on Last Man on Earth?


I thought you were done?! And back you came! The healing power of television.

But yes I believe you are correct. He (Javier) has a little mustache. Maybe the soccer ball? Now I want to rewatch the Last Man on Earth pilot to see. I'm going to pop over to that board and ask.

I also kind of thought that whole ball/coconut/luggage/tree stump with a hairy "chest" buddies scene where she names them all was very much like the scene in Last Man on Earth in the bar. I wonder if it was an homage, straight up rip off, or if nobody on the staff of Wrecked watched LMOE.


No Javier. There is a Diego.'s_Sportball_Friends


Yes the scenes are very similar. But they were both lifted from Castaway. Wilson the volleyball.
The show turned out to be OK. Plus there's nothing on. I'm waiting for Impastor to come back.
