Cory the redshirt

He was great. I loved the montage of him and Florence having their unspoken connection.


I think this was the best episode of the series so far. I was good before Cory showed up, then it just got better.

- Cory stole the show the moment he came on screen. (Sucks because if this show is parodying LOST's tendency for redshirts around the main characters, he won't be partially front and center again.)
- I felt for Todd and Meats moments (through last episode as well)
- I loved Todd's *beep* it to Jess and Chets love making.

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Me too! I loved the mention of how those people (that we've never met) found the secret lagoon with all the maps that might be the only way off the island.

It's Nikki and Paulo all over again.



Exactly. And it had me wondering if Wrecked was actually about the secondary characters on another, alternate universe/reality show about the main characters that we've never met.

Does that make sense?


He was good I agree. And same with the crazy stewardess. Two good additions.

