Is it Possible?

Hi, I m from Brazil so I have no clue if it s possible to happen something like in the movie. Is it possible?

which Australian region is depicted in the movie? it seems peaceful and cozy
(if you take off killer dogs, lol )

Greetings from RIO


I live in the States and in my childhood our backyard backed into woods. There was a year when a pack of stray dogs ran the woods and while it was scary at times it was never anything like shown in this movie. They stayed in the woods until nightfall and then scavenged the neighborhood for food. For the most part they would stay away from people or would growl and eventually would leave. I don't think anyone ever got attacked and eventually the humane society caught them. I know one of them eventually got adopted and found a good home. I can see how a stray pack can be dangerous as dogs in general do not fear humans. I can see that this plot could be plausible if the dogs were desperate for food but I doubt they would be jumping through windows....


Thanks, nice point of view.

Greetings from RIO


Seems to me they didn't need food. There were tons of sheep just bit up and not devoured.


I doubt they would jump through windows also and i think even wild dogs would be scared of gunshots.


never know through out history there have been accounts of wolf packs that have terrorized farms and small villages it all just depends on the animal and pack most people forget animals like humans they are all individuals you get some bad and some good.So sure i think it can happen given the right circumstances.


If you visit Youtube, there are several videos of stray dog packs boldly attacking people, mostly from Romania and Russia. I remember one video where a woman barely escaped with her life after being attacked by a large pack of vicious dogs. Also, a tourist has been killed by stray dogs in Bukarest, Romania, years ago.

So, while stray dogs normally fear man and stay away from humans, they would go for targets of opportunity or when driven by hunger. Possibly even more dangerous than a wolf would be, as they have less fear of humans as domesticated animals gone feral.

I also remember from an India journey that stray dogs would be rather shy in the day, but getting rather aggressive and territorial in the evening.

Packs of stray dogs do exist in remote areas of Europe, for example in the mountains of central Italy. They would harm livestock if they can, but are not as skilled at cooperative hunting like wolves are. Typically they would scavenge rubbish to search for food if given the chance.

So while the premise of the movie plot - a coordinated attack on isolated humans - would not be very realistic, there is a grain of truth that stray dogs can present serious danger to humans.
