I've just finished watching season 2.
Great show.
If Battlestar Galactica (BG) had such a huge viewership, why has show gone under the radar?
Surely Dark Matter, is the natural replacement for BG?
I watched the first episode and just didn't resonate (and KillJoys even less) to futuristic I guess whereas The Expanse is more 'real'.. I still have two more episodes of this on my DVR and may give it a go,
Even as popular as BSG was, it didn't have a huge audience. Nor did its brief fling with the mainstream even carry through to the finale. SyFy channel's credibility and integrity is possibly permanently destroyed after years of Sharknado entertainment and wrestling. As well is a waning interest in basic cable programming in general. Also, general audiences do not like this grim and gritty realistic style space show with it's depressing tones and shocking twists. They like big happy adventurous scifi like the main runs of Star Trek and Stargate. Even I find myself saying, "Jeeze, I can't deal with this show tonight" about shows like Dark Matter and Expanse. What fans really want is a new Firefly. BSG also was riding the hype of "a reboot that's finally good" after a long wave crappy reboots. That was exciting.
Too much plot. Most viewers can't handle more than one storyline at a time. Look at all the complaints about dead end plots that are actually ongoing. No one talking about it, no social media buzz. All the stuff they've been doing the last few months on Reddit and YouTube, they should have done sooner. And One's situation and removal was very confusing.
I think the show started off as mediocre, the acting is not that great but it got better and better over time. It sucks to end on such a cliffhanger, this show was becoming pretty good, the pace of the last season felt great. I guess they were competing with the expanse which is a much better show imo but still I wish this had one more season at least.
I thought it was awesome. It's really too bad it's done. It's cancellation had more to do with cost and independent ownership than the quality of the show itself.
Yeah, I didn't really like it. I watched several episodes of the first season and quickly developed a dislike of about 2-3 characters. BSG was a higher quality show (visually) with much better acting and better writing. And I was not planning on seeing it, because I grew up with the original BSG (1978). I was delightful surprised by the new BSG.
DM looks okay but it falls short in the characterizations and story. Some other people loved it. Guess it's all in the perspective of the viewer.