Infinity War does stand alone in a number of ways, and while I never thought much about it, now that I am it's very hard to come up with a better sci-fi film. Endgame lessens its impact, and in many ways ruins it, but if we take Infinity War on its own, it's pretty amazing. It's an epic quest, but with the villain undertaking what's typically the hero's quest. It ends in a stunning and startling manner, and has one of the greatest single moments in cinema, when Thor arrives in Wakanda. I'd never before, nor have I since, seen a cinema transform into a football stadium, but at that moment the reaction from the crowd was spontaneous and real, and something more akin to a winning goal in a soccer match than a scene in a movie.
I don't think anything on your list comes close. I'm not even sure what I'd list that's on par with Infinity War, primarily because I can think of no other movie like it. It's science fiction and it's superheroes. It's action and poetry. Granted, it built upon a decade of groundwork laid by 18 previous films, but solely on its own merit, it's outstanding. Other sci-fi films may surpass it on straight sci-fi, but I think they'll lack the epic scope, or depth of character, or sheer spectacle, or the magnificent action.