MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Is Thanos' plan harsh but needed?

Is Thanos' plan harsh but needed?

He does it at random,wealth or statue don't matter. It's a huge boost to the universes resources. It happens all at once and people draw strength and comfort with the community,as they would have lost people too. If it keeps the universe from consuming itself,might it be justified?


Its hard not to agree with the premise of his plan. We are indeed overstuffed here on earth while the resources are diminishing. I almost understand his point when he is explaining it.

That is what is brilliant about this movie. You almost understand where he is coming from and it makes the viewer connect with the villain as well at some level.


No. I mean, I liked the movie and Thanos was a great character but the logic behind his plan is total bollocks.

For a start its circular logic: I'll stop people killing each other for resources by killing half of them.

You might argue that his method is less destructive but he seems to have caused more damage than anyone else trying to get the stones.

Even if you ignore that winking half the people out of existence would lead to unimaginable chaos, as we saw: helicopters and cars crashing, then there'd also be pilot-less aeroplanes and the ensuring wars as people try to replace the previous power structures (what happens if Putin/Kim Jong Un turns to dust? Is there going to be a peaceful transition?).

None of the other planets we have seen seem particularly overcrowded and the crazy technology levels that exist would suggest there's a loooong way to go before lack of resources become a problem.

But all this said I like it as an 'evil villains scheme'. Much more interesting than the usual crap.


I don't think he sees the concern as killing each other for resources,as much as they will consume past a point of no return for anyone.


I mean, it works. I'd suggest it be refined, but the theory is sound. If the Earth's population were halved, life would certainly be better for the surviving half.

If one must stick to the basic premise of "kill half," it would make more sense to choose who dies rather than go with the random method, as some people contribute more than others, and some are more necessary. As another responder pointed out, if a country's leaders are killed, you could very easily end up with civil war and turmoil. If the most brilliant thinkers, doctors, scientists, etc. are killed, many more will suffer than if a couch potato or pedophile were killed.

In any event, Thanos' "Snapture," if that's a word for it, has a cruel logic to it.


If the Earths population was halved randomly, the infrastructure would probably crumble afterward as the remainder scrambles to address necessary civilization support. I agree that separating integral people from the halving would be best.


Maybe more rational but would it be fair? Just because you are valued less by society does that mean you would deserve to die or be culled more than someone who is more desired?


For those culled, it's no more fair or unfair than randomness. For those who remain, it's far more fair. Since the culling is supposed to benefit the ones that remain, it seems it would be a good choice.


Selective culling might end up benefiting the privileged and popular more than the average person because the powerful might have more "persuasive" arguments since they are already in power and can claim thus to have "proven" their worth. But then again, if they are so useful to remain alive why is the world still hampered and overpopulated now in terms of population density? And if 3.5 billion people were culled that would take us back perhaps to 1970 levels of population. Was life much better in 1970 than it is now? Remember the Vietnam War, nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction, political oppression in Russia and China, corporate greed and the rise of globalised corporations.

If Thanos was persuaded to cull only the poorest and apparently worthless humans who would he kill? Large numbers in the developing countries? 3.5 billion or so people stemming collectively from Africa and India and China? How would that affect cultural balance?


The only ones spared from a random culling would be integral people, those who support infrastructure. They would largely be middle-class people. I don't think many wealthy people would qualify. An electrician is a good example of a person important to infrastructure.

I wouldn't see it as people convincing Thanos that they are worthy, the glove itself would have to recognize and exclude those who are necessary for the functioning of civilization.

Of course I have no clue about the limitations and abilities of that glove, but I'm going with the concept of it being pretty flexible "magic," and somewhat aware.


In the short term, can be described as needed However, the methodology means that the resources and the universe will still be at risk both short term and long term

The universe has learned nothing with regards to why this has happened and while they may take strength and comfort from their community without knowing why the people turned to dust there is also the likelihood that communities left will start eating each other alive after they sort out the immediate chaos because they don't know. Gamora's people may have full bellies but they know why half their population was culled - a mad titan. It allows them to rationalise and move forward.

But to those who survive from the snap of Thanos fingers but don't know Thanos' reasons, do they think that half the population disappear due to being raptured or punished because of their God was angry? Does that mean that the survivors become extreme in their religious views and turn on those within the community that descent? If they are at war with another group do they take their grief and pain and confusion out on them? Wars between communities may escalate due to those in each side blaming the other for the deaths of their communities because as someone pointed out the tech is still there even with helicopters and planes crashing at first. Each side will be saying they don't have a weapon that caused half the population to disappear causing the other side to be pissed they aren't taking responsibility and they still have the tech to vent that anger.

Also if they don't know that the population was culled over a need to balance resources they will then start to bred again and then over time the population will again increase to numbers where overpopulation becomes a threat.

What is Thanos' plan with that? Come out every few million years and wipe half the population of the universe out? If so what is it in for every planet to get their own house in order when they get that is what is happening? Whatever they do, even if they live within their means long term every once in a while half their population just crumbles and they can't stop it. It could result in 2 outcomes when planets work this out - stagnation because what is the point or go out & grab everything from everyone they can as what not.


/But to those who survive from the snap of Thanos fingers but don't know Thanos' reasons, do they think that half the population disappear due to being raptured or punished because of their God was angry? Does that mean that the survivors become extreme in their religious views and turn on those within the community that descent? If they are at war with another group do they take their grief and pain and confusion out on them? Wars between communities may escalate due to those in each side blaming the other for the deaths of their communities because as someone pointed out the tech is still there even with helicopters and planes crashing at first. Each side will be saying they don't have a weapon that caused half the population to disappear causing the other side to be pissed they aren't taking responsibility and they still have the tech to vent that anger. /

yeah but I think this is a 'small scale' way of thinking, sure some /maybe a many civilizations will collapse as a result of Thanos, but across the universe his plan could help intelligent life (depending on how advanced they are and what their resources situation is.


Define intelligent life? As it is very easy for society to go backwards - look at the flat earthers.

And yeah you may I am being short termist but Thanos taking out half the population won't simply mean that that half population with stay as half. Probably the outcome of half the population disappearing without reason will be societies collapse and attacks on those they figure are to blame and at worst large scale wars.

Look at the impact of the black death on Europe and they kind of got what was happening when up to 30% of the population died off. There weren't enough people to keep society as was and caused huge social upheaval and people suffered while they sorted things out.

The lower classes got social mobility sure, but the peasents revolt didn't exactly go their way, Jews were persecuted and the effects on society were major.

But they got what was happening as they had corpses.


Nope. It's just right wing conservative bullshit. Even if you eliminate 99% of the population, the super rich %1 will kill each other for the resources. Never forget, the neoliberal capitalism endgame is 1 person owning everything.


Jesus Christ. 'Neoliberal' is one of those words that screams 'I don't have a f*cking clue what I'm on about'.


Ok, fascism then.


Well now this is just too perfect. On my email notification of your post I can see you actually said:

"I don't think so:";

Presumably you then actually read the wiki on Neoliberalism and realised it didn't mean what you thought it did and so stealth edited your post to the above.

Which kind of proves my point don't you think?


thats what makes the best villains....

Thanos Plan is Entirely Justified and right to him and even could be argued is right by others...

The facts are Had His Planet listened to HIM....Half of the population not only would have survived but THRIVED...

Over Population is as deadly and disastrous as an Asteroid coming from Space....

Obviously on Earth its not an Immediate threat yet and there are still other options besides killing half the population so the other half can live...

But on His PLanet thats what it came down to, His PLanet didnt listen, everyone DIED...

Thanos now believes the Entire Universe needs to be Balanced, Believes by doing this, He can Stop what happened to his Planet for BILLIONS of other PLanets....

He truly believes hes doing right....there are right now Petition and websites being created where THOUSANDS of people believe Thanos is actually the Hero of the movie! and that his actions and plan is Justified and Needed...

this is IMO why Thanos is easily the Greatest MCU Villain, The 2nd Greatest CBM villain(and With time Will actually be considered an even a better villain than Ledgers Joker) and One of the greatest Villains in any movie ever...

He's Perfectly written with such a fleshed out and Meaningful Motive,Brolin gave a Great and Powerful Performance and The CGI work done is IMO among the best I've even seen done with Mo Cap....

I went into the movie excited for some many things, looking forward to so many things, Thanos was maybe 5th or 6th on those listed....

coming out of the movie, There is nothing else I can think about other than Thanos...It was his movie, and there are almost no words to describe how blown away I am by him, his ark, his motives, his plan, the CGI work and Him WINNING...


I don't think so.

The problem in our planet is not over-population, it is resource distribution.


Agreed. The earths carrying capacity is 10-12 billion. We are not overpopulated. It is resource distribution. Also birth rates do decrease as populations and technology increases. Especially technological advances in medicine. The other fallacy to his plan is that it doesn't account for the fact that in 20-30 years the population can double again. So the premise behind his plan is incorrect and it doesn't permanently fix the 'problem' unless he plans to do this every 30 years. Not to mention all the random chaos and religious hysteria that killing half the population at random would create.

Also, Thanos is not a ground breaking character. We've had other comic villains (who saw themselves as the hero) that have had the same plan for reasons that make more sense to their ideology.

Ra's Al Ghul wanted to wipe out Gotham to stamp out corruption.
Magneto tried to wipe out all humans in X2 because he believed it was the only way for mutants to thrive.

So really, Thanos is an ok villain, but not original. He is modeled after better, earlier comic villains. And he was successful, despite being completely incorrect about his reasons for doing what he did. So maybe he was more modeled after Trump. Dumb but winning.


Thanos plan is for the universe though, not just Earth.


Thanos plan was as dumb as it was stupid.

Apart from the fact that the universe (other than Earth) sports nearly unlimeded recources (if you have the ability to travel space, as they have) there are ample of socio-economical analysis regarding the fallacies in Thanos plan. eg
