Is this movie any good?
It looks like crap?
Surprised it passed the billion threshold.
It was crap
shareYes, it is good.
shareI liked it. This movie is a lot of fun.
shareI saw it in the theater and liked it. People said it would have no value in repeat viewings but I've watched it twice more since then and still like it.
shareI've watched it twice and I think it's the worst Marvel movie so far I might try to watch it a third time if i was given a choice of watching this or the Last Jedi I think i would pick the last Jedi and yes I've seen The Last Jedi
shareIts not perfect, but definitely superior to Thor 2 and Iron Man 2. To me its the same caliber of movie that Dr. Strange and Ant-Man are.
shareIt's a terrible movie, and you watched it twice?
It was ok. not the feminist cliche I was led to believe. It stood on it's own, imo.
I enjoyed it, first run.. and I'm not delving into the genre. Just as a movie. 6.5 out of 10.
Would watch again on a balmy sunday night, on the telly.
shareIt's OK. A solid Marvel comic book movie. Nothing too special.
shareDo you like action films and superhero films? If so, there's a good chance you'll like it as it's a great action / superhero film.
I respect moviechaters opinion and seeing all this reactions Iโll give it a go.
I missed your post buy a few minutes but will add that I liked it as well. It is true that she does not have much character development BUT as this was the first of several films with her in it I think Marvel can give her characterization over those films when they are made.
shareBut I watch these films for character. I wouldnt have liked Iron Man without this in Robert Downey and wouldnt have the patience to sit through several movies of fully blasted cgi and actions I dont care about to get to the development.
sharewell, there is a lot of CGI so maybe you should not see it but if a friend has it and will let you borrow it then it would only cost you a little time.
shareI always bootleg my films.
I can put in the background.
The problem is that the chick is hot which okay but if i see her doing implausible things then thats when I get turned off.
She will do implausible things but a reason is provided within the film
shareIf the reason is unbelievable I wont like it.
sharewell, without being too spoilery it has to do with an infinity stone.
Actually, now that I think about it within the context of your posts here you will not like how she got her power because you would think that she should have died and never have survived the incident. I agree that she should have died but it is not as important to me in this case as it seems it would be to you.
So, I will change my advise and recommend you do not watch Captain Marvel.
Nice reply. I think your very right. Im always first ti hate gullibility.
By stone It reminds of the sword and the stone.
Iโll put in the background and keep thinking cant believe this made billions. *Chuckle*