The modern Captain Marvel comics from 2012 onwards when they relauched it with Carol Danvers taking the name is basically Marvel Comics rush to push as they say "a strong female character" but ultimately she is just your basic SJW character.
It was rebooted again last year and the first issue was Captain Marvel vs Toxic Masculinty/Misogyny. Literally the first character she meets tells her how awesome she is even though she hasn't done anything. Every page is woman telling her she is great and Nuclear Man telling her how terrible she is, it is awful.
Due to this it will be rebboted again this year that will be something like 5/6 reboots.
The character is one of the most unlikable and hated superhero in Marvels lineup and unfortunately that transferred to the screen and was cast by a similarly unlikable actress.
The film made a billion becuase it was sandwiched between Infinty Wars and Endgame and most families who watch these films don't care about this stuff and i would say 70-80%% of the audience have never read a comic in there lives.
Until Hollywood realises that these forced "strong female characters" are crap then this will get regurgitated over and over again. Why can't they just write a strong character who happens to be female, you worry about sex/gender after the fact, not before. Also why do all female characters have to be "strong female charcaters" why can't they just be "good female characters" or better yet just well written "female characters".