Overall I enjoyed Captain Marvel and even thought Larson did a fine job portraying the character, but I just really think the character would've benefitted a lot more from at least one more solo outing before Endgame.
I've seen people mention how she really hasn't earned her place to defeat a villain we've been anticipating since The Avengers, and I definitely agree. I feel like if she would've been introduced in phase two, and had a sequel in phase three, she'd be more worthy to share the spotlight with all the other heroes that are still alive. To be honest though, I don't think she's written into Endgame as the reason Thanos gets defeated this time around. The original Avengers didn't die for a reason and Captain Marvel or not, I think they'll still be the highlight and the ones who land the final blow to Thanos.
This is an Avengers movie. And possibly the final outing for at least Downey and Evans. No WAY are they giving the finishing blow to Captain Marvel. Yes, she will be a big part of the final battle (so as to highlight that she's "worthy" of having the mantle passed on to her) but nope....it's the Avengers who will save the day.
And I still think if people are thinking this will be three hours of a fight against Thanos will be disappointed. I'm guesing from what we have heard it will be 20% setting up the status quo post-snap, 50% undoing it via time travel/quantum realm shenanigans (probably by procuring the gems before Thanos does), 20% with them fighting a NON powered Thanos who still wants the gems in this new timeline and 10% dealing with the repercussions of that fight/setting up the future.
Nah, I think it'll be more covert (it would almost HAVE to be..."Hey, there's TWO Iron Mans running around!") and be more of them snatching up the stones after they've had an impact....and really the only ones they would have to leave alone would be the mind stone (because they have to make the Vision) and the time stone. In fact, it's because of that last oen I suspect that the Ancient One will make an appearance as they go to the past to get it, meet with her and she convinces them to leave it where it is....making the last stand-off (totally guessing here) in the Sanctum because they'd then be able to have all the stones together without disturbing the timeline.
I agree, I feel her characterization could have been pushed a bit more. Thinking about it, all I really got from Carole Denver from the movie is that she was a girl who had a best friend. We know she was apparently bullied when she was young but still compared to other Marvel Solo outing Captain Marvel did the worst at telling us what makes her tick. I feel I still do not know much about her even after her solo film. It's not because Brie Larson performance because I love that actress, it's really the writing that could have been better.
I agree. I think the film the film is really good tbh. But as a character joining a well established team of heroes, the timing is wrong. We need more Captain Marvel before we can see her participating in this team. However, I'm still intrigued by how she will fit in with all these other well known characters.
It worked seamlessly when they gave Dr. Strange a prominent role in Infinity War after only one previous film, and I expect the Russos to do similar with Captain Marvel in Endgame.
True. I think the most important goal these origin films can accomplish is to remain faithful to the source material while fitting it into the current MCU. It shouldn't be up to the directors of Doctor Strange or Captain Marvel to figure out how their characters may or may not fit in future films.
Yeah I guess you're right. I feel like we saw Doctor Strange grow more throughout his movie though especially due to the passge of time and his cameo in Ragnarok made it seem he had progressed slightly more. Plus at the end of Doctor Strange the stakes were a lot higher and he was willing to commit to being killed the rest of his life to save earth. In the movie it showed us him getting killed only a handful of times, but there's nothing saying it didn't go on longer than that.
I agree... I think her character should have been introduced WAY before Endgame. But then I think to myself, if her character had been introduced way before Endgame, would Infinity War had felt so "dire" and "hopeless"??
Yea I'm glad she was used sparingly in Endgame as well.
Am I the only though who feels that they should have just SURPRISED us and had her shown in Endgame from out of nowhere, and THEN have had her solo film come out in the summer?
After seeing her in Endgame and what little part she played in it, I'm still trying to figure out why they didn't just release her solo movie AFTER Endgame? In fact, her origin story takes place mainly in the early/mid-90's so it's not even like her story would have overlapped with the other prior Marvel films.
Black Panther and Spider-Man were all introduced in previous films BEFORE they got their own solo movies. And honestly, I think it works better that way. That way the audience is curious about the "origin" of this new character that just pops up onto the screen.
Idk why they didn't do that with Captain Marvel honestly. I think ppl would have been even MORE excited to see her origin story movie, AND I think it would have successfully closed out the IronMan phase, and introduced the new phase with her film.
Idk...maybe I'm overthinking it a bit, but I just feel like Marvel dropped the ball w/this one.
If her origin was still set in the 90s it wouldn't make much of a difference to me considering the casting of Larson happened quite a few years ago.
I do like it when they introduce characters in other movies though and give them spinoffs from that because I feel it builds the world better. Spider-Man made sense being introduced in Civil War because we all already know his origin and as for Black Panther, it gave him a reason to be interacting with the Avengers in the first place considering the Black Panther wasn't very well known to the wider world since Wakanda was under wraps.
All that being said, I don't mind them introducing characters either of the two ways, so I'm fine with Captain Marvel getting her film before Endgame.
That would likely have felt a bit too much like a deus ex machina cop-out on the part of the Russos. The Avengers are in dire straits, facing their most powerful enemy, all looks to be lost-- surprise, here comes some cosmically-powered being out of nowhere to save the day. It would have been impossible to work her into the film without having previously introduced her.
The comics have a long-standing precedent for introducing characters (apparently out of nowhere and without much backstory) as a dramatic turn for the established characters. http://media.comicbook.com/uploads1/2015/01/fantastic-four-49-cover-120169.jpg I liked the way that Carol Danvers and Captain Marvel were set-up in the MCU because it enabled another immersive level of storytelling.
Marvel has so many characters that they have to be quite clever in introducing those characters in such a way that doesn't diminish the newly introduced characters as well as the established characters since the MCU started without ALL of their characters.
I thought they did a good job of introducing her. Because really all you need to know are the basics like who is she? what are her powers? and how did she get her powers?
She is a big part of the next Avengers so probably they wanted to save some of her story for later movies.
This is when I thought she'd be a bigger part of Endgame which she didn't end up being. I think she was used perfectly to be honest and since she had such little screen time, I no longer really think she needed much more development aside from what we got in Captain Marvel.