MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Did Disney make a clever move when they ...

Did Disney make a clever move when they bought their own tickets?

It has obviously taken a toll, perhaps $50M or $100M. From a business point of view, though, protecting your franchise could be considered a clever move. Was it the right thing to do for Disney? Will it make a difference? Is gonna be the franchise damaged any case?

NOTE I'm aware that there's some negationist trolls out there. That's fine, you shouldn't be ashamed if you are, but please, don't flood this thread.

IMPORTANT EDIT The first page of this thread has been flooded by negationist sjw trolls :-( I'd recommend going straight-forward to the second page. There are way more interesting comments in that page.


I don't bel8eve for a second they bought tickets, why on earth would they? It was always going to do good bank coming off from infinity war , stop with this agenda, or show proof , if no proof, stop being deluded.


Is the 50-100 million just what they spent domestically on tickets?


Domestic or worldwide. It has been done before. In China, for example, there's quite some amount of fraud in screenings, so companies that want to increase the numbers screen in empty theaters to compensate. There was an article in Business Insider about that:

Of course, you could use it to compensate... or use it (more) to create the feeling that the movie was successful and the franchise wasn't damaged by the political agenda.

A friend of mine that worked in a movie theater as a projectionist hosted a few ghost screenings for indie unknown movies, though those were aimed to reach the amount of tickets necessary to get a subsidy.


Your link describes underreporting by theaters in China in order to pocket some of the earnings without the distributor split, and under-and-mis-reporting sales to boost the relative tickets sold for government funded Chinese movies.

You didnt even read the link, did you?



You're talking about one of the issues portrayed in the article. I was talking about that:

"But production companies and distributors aren't just being ripped off, sometimes they're the ones overreporting sales and even hold "ghost screenings" with no viewers.

"It's mainly producers or distributors who want to pump up the numbers and drive awareness and desire to see their films. So that's sort of the opposite direction where they'll fraudulently report ticket sales or even pump up the numbers by buying out cinema halls," Cain said. "So you've got fraud going in both directions.

The quota is taken from the END of the article.

One thing: if you're gonna try to shame somebody accusing him of not reading his own linked article, at least you should make a minimum effort and read the WHOLE article fist, to be sure that it's not you the one who missed the point because you just read the beginning.



Then show the empty theaters. Quit with the conspiratorial nonsense that sounds like it was cooked up on Reddit or 4chan. If you've got nothing to show then the default position is your head up your ass.

I don't see anything about production companies and distributors being able to hide it either. It sounds like they're doing routine stuff which wouldn't apply to this conversation where you are claiming something is happening that nobody knows about.


Here you have a thread with information and pictures:


do you have something more official? this is no longer a valid link, and 8chan , come on dude, this is not factual


I dont want to believe it, so it's not factual.

This is basically what you say every time someone disproves you.


Trolling is original, unique and creative. You're totally not blandly parroting the exact styles and strategies copied by thousands of others. You totally don't sound indistinguishable from the other trolls, and it totally doesn't give the impression of an ultraconformist hive mind mentality.


Get that your go-to when you have no comeback is the above ... But I'm not sure I've ever seen any troll ever claim to be unique...

Get that it's your 'I know you are so what am I?' comeback when you go all NPC and all though.


Trolling is original, unique and creative. You're totally not blandly parroting the exact styles and strategies copied by thousands of others. You totally don't sound indistinguishable from the other trolls, and it totally doesn't give the impression of an ultraconformist hive mind mentality.




Ok , ill just agree with some random looney on moviechat that Disney buy movie theatre tickets just to boost box office sales for popular movies whilst they stand still and let other movies they release perform poorly , ok






"The quota is taken from the END of the article."

Yes exactly, the article about something else entirely.

Yes exactly, that nearly random blurb at the bottom that has exactly no specificity whatsoever.

Yes exactly, the blurb which doesn't even specify the context... So then is it referring to the American production companies, or is it in context of Chinese under/over reporting and is it referring to Chinese production companies?

Yes exactly, the blurb which apparently leads to nowhere because there isn't even a hyperlink to some other article.

Yes exactly, the blurb which apparently isn't enough to warrant an article of its own or any information... just a blurb.

If this random context-confused blurb at the end of an article about something else is what you're basing your entire Captain Marvel conspiracy on, well then...

I take back that you didn't read the link, but your answer shows that you definitely read it with a rose-tinted bias and/or preconceived notion and/or confirmation bias, touting this blurb's vagueness and lack of reference as an all-encompassing strength instead of the inherent weakness it truly is.

With that amendment, I rest my case.


Er… why would a company pay out hundreds of millions of dollars on fraudulent ticket sales, when they could just cook the books or send out false information in press releases?

Really, there are much cheaper ways to commit fraud.


You could ask yourself if raping dogs should be your thing from an animal welfare point of view? But don't flood this thread, please.


You are a moron and one highly misinformed. Haven't you heard that Disney is not only buying the tickets to their own movies but also the popcorn and drinks for each no show (you already learned what no show means, did you?)? So, the empty theaters are not completely empty, you can take the picture of the Popcorn and Soda in each empty seat watching Captain Marvel. Why haven't you done this? It will make a nice picture...


I know this is all BS and a joke but to be honest a well taken photo of an empty theatre with nothing but popcorn and drinks will actually be a cool looking photo in my mind and just wanted to tell you that.

Have a good day!


This is not a sustainable or viable business model. Do you not realise how insane your post sounds?


I think we should not be too harsh with this guy. Hey, the Colombian Capos also need this kind of people to sell their stuff to, or their business model wouldn't be sustainable.


So according to you, spending $50M or $100M in protecting your brand, that worths thousands of millions, is insane.

If you say so...


Why do they have to "protect their brand"? Marvel owns the super hero genre. Burning money is insane, are you?


Do you have any actual proof of Disney buying tickets...and I mean actual proof, not links to websites and YouTube videos with bullshit fan theories.


I already explained it in the original message: this thread is not for debating negationism. It's for debating how clever or appropiate was the decision of Disney to buy tickets of their own movie.

Please, don't derail this thread.

reply you only want people who agree with you. Negationism...hmmm.

Never gonna happen dude. As usual you are talking utter shit and have no proof of your moronic claim.

Heads up...anyone can reply to any thread they want. You dont make the rules, you dont get to decide.


The OP works for WB, or has a raging hard on for dceu movies and is traumatised this movie is performing well


• "anyone can reply to any thread they want. You dont make the rules, you dont get to decide."

I know I don't make the rules, that's why I said, "please, don't derail this thread". In case you haven't heard that word in your usual SJW circles, here's the definition:

Actually, it was a common word a while ago, though I can understand you didn't know it. I suppose good manners have become some kind of oppressive evil nazi white concept in modern SJW narrative, and words like 'please' have become taboo :-(


So you DO know how to post links! That's great news! Now be a doll and give us a link proving Disney bought tickets, thanks.


Frankly there is nothing to derail. No one is agreeing with you and no one is discussing it with you. But everyone else is either asking you to provide proof of your claim, or calling your ridiculous theory out for the bullshit it is.

And the nazi jibe? Classy. And its especially ironic that you use the word please on the pretense of being polite.


Yeah, kuku is a very basic troll, probably not a lot of experience in that field.


Ok, since you only want people to agree with you how about this: -

Disney are a very clever, profitable organisation.



No. Sorry. You cannot make a conspiracy theory and then try to poo-poo any inquiries for proof.

I have to think the moderators here would have some issue with it. However, thanks to screen grabs of your posts, i’m QUITE sure Disney’s legal department with take issue with these libelous claims of yours.

Thank goodness I took them before you could delete the posts.


What do you consider derailing the thread?

You're making an outlandish claim, and offering no evidence whatsoever. Will you please offer some proof as to your allegation? Is asking for that derailing the thread?


Disney is a publicly traded company. Box office earnings are factor in gauging their stock price. If Disney intentionally MISINFORMED the public of its box office earnings, this would be a huge scandal in the business world. Trust would be eroded and Disney's stock would plummet. People responsible would not only be fired but probably face prison time.

I watch CNBC regularly and your 'rumor post' is the first time that I have heard of this. If you have any clear evidence please let CNBC know because it would be HUGE news!


He's a troll. He has no evidence.


Sure, it doesnt happen...

Movie madness: Why Chinese cinemas are empty but full


China is new to capitalism, they don't have SEC. From article:

Yet the Chinese government knows there is something rotten going on which needs to be cleaned up.

The National People's Congress has introduced fines for misreported box office figures ranging from $7000 to $74,000 and the authorities are allowing the Motion Picture Association of America to use an accounting firm to audit box office data here.


Quoted from the article you referenced: -
'Cinema journalist John Papish is an expert in the Chinese box office and says considerable conflicts of interests in this country would be illegal in, say, the United States'.

"The studios in Hollywood before 1950 controlled massive theater chains, until the Supreme Court Paramount decision in the late 1940s forced the studios to sell their exhibition holdings. However, most of the major studios of eventually found ways to reenter the exhibition business when theater-owning restrictions were relaxed in the 1980s. It is interesting that many of the descendants of the grand old studio theater monopolies are today controlled by the major studios."


Well, I wish you the best of British luck on your quest. In the meantime, I'll probably go and see the film this week and I'll let you know if it's any good - also, if I have time, I'll do a head count too.


This whole conspiracy is stupid. Disney doesn't need to buy tickets to keep the MCU afloat. Its already the biggest film franchise in history. Originally the conspiracy was that it pushes a feminist agenda which lost steam as soon as the movie came out and realized it wasn't all that feminist. But even if that were the case there's no indicator showing buying your own movies' tickets can push an agenda if people aren't actually viewing it. So the anti-SJWs fall flat on their faces no matter which direction they take the conspiracy theory.


• "Disney doesn't need to buy tickets to keep the MCU afloat. Its already the biggest film franchise in history."

Well, probably you didn't realize it, but you're actually making a point that support my position. Precisely because Marvel is such a big franchise, there's a very strong incentive to keep it alive and avoid another 'Star Wars' fiasco. Buying tickets in order to protect the franchise was a rational choice.


But you have still not provided any proof that they are buying tickets.

Are you going to ignore the many posters on here who have asked you for proof, or will you just continue to ignore, insult and ridicule others?


You say there's an incentive to keep it alive but you can't explain how buying tickets keeps it alive. You actually kill your own point by bringing up Star Wars. If it was that easy to give life to something then Disney would've bumped up Solo's ticket sales to at least break even. There's no precedent for it and no evidence of it. You want it to be true because you want to believe your opinion is the opinion of the people when the reality is you are in the extreme minority.


The entire premise of this thread is absurd. Disney is not buying tickets to its own movies. If that were the case, why didn’t they buy tickets to save their other so-called feminist movie “A Wrinke In Time”. Or any failed movie like Tomorrowland or John Carter. No, they will let the public decide if a movie will sink or swim - case closed.
Oh and btw, the only “proof” you have is at another country’s (China) box office which is not nearly as regulated as the USA. Besides, China’s government disincentives foreign box office receipts in favor of domestic box office receipts. Movie theaters are penalized when foreign (US or other countries) films exceed a certain percentage of total theatre sales. So if anything, Captain Marvel’s box office numbers may actually be higher (not lower) than what is being reported. Get educated on the facts and get a clue man.


• "If that were the case, why didn’t they buy tickets to save their other so-called feminist movie “A Wrinke In Time”

Because that was not a highly profitable franchise. Duh.

Buying your own tickets involves a base cost (money) plus an additional cost (the risk of having a scandal). You need that investment to give future incomes that compensate both costs and then give a benefit.


You’ve still offered no proof. Plus, that doesn’t explain why Disney didn’t “save” the Star Wars films lately; that’s a very profitable franchise. It must suck to hate a film so bad, yet see it succeed so much. I feel sorry for you.


• "You say there's an incentive to keep it alive but you can't explain how buying tickets keeps it alive."

It's obvious. Once the franchise is labeled as 'flop', it will become less trendy. People use to follow trends. Being labeled as 'failure' becomes a prophecy that use to fulfill itself. John Carter is a textbook example: it was labeled as 'failure' before being released or even being reviewed in pre-screenings. And it became a flop. It wasn't until some time after that that people started to realize that it was actually quite a good movie.

• "You actually kill your own point by bringing up Star Wars. If it was that easy to give life to something then Disney would've bumped up Solo's ticket sales to at least break even."

Well, people need to learn somewhere. Killing the Star Wars franchise must have been a good learning practice.


I know you're trolling at this point but it sure is funny they are just now doing it to keep the MCU "alive" after "good learning practice" from Solo yet they didn't do it for Solo after TLJ's lower box office from TFA, and they didn't do it to help Ant-Man and the Wasp's box office numbers either.

Obviously you're pissed your silly little anti-Brie campaign didn't work so you had to cook something up. Solo failed because nobody cared about a Han Solo origin movie. CM succeeded because it is a lead-in to Endgame, had a good lead-in from Infinity War, and Brie Larson only managed to piss off a few kids on Youtube who were just using you for easy ad revenue.


Ok. And when you run out of arguments, you finally start with insults and personal attacks.

Nothing new.


Kuku, just expect the fact that this movie was popular and made good bank, which didn't surprise me as Marvel at the moment is massive due to Infinity War.


You are obviously a Russian bot. Their AI is broken, need to hire some Norks.


"Ok. And when you run out of arguments, you finally start with insults and personal attacks."

I posted an argument. And the only insult I made was to call you a troll.

The reason for your snowflake response to someone calling you a troll is because you yourself ran out of arguments.

Is projection really all you have left?


I think they did, but the thing is the MCU is just too strong and they had no need to at all.

After End Game the next Capt Marvel movie numbers will tell us all how this has really panned out. CM was a very average movie, that is the only thing audiences will really remember next time.


Don't be so sure. The current cycle is ending. Endgame will be the last movie.

After that, either you continue the same story with new cast (bad solution), either you reboot and start again (bad solution), either you continue with more recent Marvel characters and stories, and then reboot in a couple of decades. This last option should be the good one. The problem is that (with very few exceptions) the more modern Marvel characters are quite unpopular. Marvel Comics has become extremely political.

They chose the worst moment to start the 'We don't want white dudes' rant.

And no matter Disney has been the huge one last years, things could change a LOT. Star Wars is done. Pixar has lost the magic. Marvel must face a new reboot/recast/whatever. They all could be drying up at the same time.
