I wish she had been black
Is it too late to give her black face?
shareMake a new character that's black...why is this so hard to do?
shareNot progressive enough. Needs to replace 'white' established characters to feel any accomplishment of reparations and everything white as a whole. True equality comes when only people of color remain since white is not a color according to them.
shareWhite is the mixing of all colors, but ok. Sounds to me that it's more about racism and hate, than having a hero to identify with.
shareI often wonder how black people feel about casting traditionally white characters with black actors. On one hand, it's good for more representation for black people in film/TV. More choices for role models etc for black children etc. On the other hand, it could be seen as a bit demeaning recasting a white character as black. While the argument should be why aren't more characters just conceptualized as black from the start instead? There is also the issue of over representation when things go a bit overboard and it comes across as reverse racism by trying too hard to have so many black characters.
For me, when I think of characters for stories/scripts etc, I always default to Caucasian as that's what I know and can relate to. I imagine most other Caucasian writers do the same. So I guess it's a lack of black ideas people behind the scenes that causes characters to be skewed to be predominantly white. How that is fixed, I do not know.
Realize that race is of no consequence, and the color of an actor's skin is meaningless... why is this so hard to do?
shareIn the real world yes, but in the fictional world is it not the same.
share"Make a new character that's black...why is this so hard to do?"
The first female Captain Marvel was a black woman named Monica Rambeau. Later on she went by the name Photon.
Carol Danvers was originally Miss Marvel. The original Captain Marvel was a Kree named Mar Vell who passed on the title to Carol. But Monica still beat her to it.
Also we can't even get a Black Panther movie without all you racists whining about it. There's no way in hell a black character gets created that doesn't get you dumbasses bitching and moaning about too much forced diversity.
Now see, here is where you guys fail. I didn't know the history of the character. The education would have made me retract my previous statement, and rephrased the question into why it was change to be white, and would have been a great experience to learn new things...
But, of course, without fail...you vomit out "you racists" and completely ruin your own point. Now I perceive you as a loser snowflake. Stop being inflammatory, and you might change minds.
Oh no you're not racist. You just like to dive in face first by opposing racial diversity among fictional characters where race is about as important as what kind of sandwich they prefer. So just racially ignorant then?
Also Google is a thing. Guess whats the first thing you see when you type in black captain marvel. But don't worry. You're not stupid either. So just internet ignorant then?
Ignorance truly must be bliss since it gives you the freedom to simultaneously be stupid and racist without being either.
i would watch it but only with blackface
shareWhy would YOU put on Blackface to watch a movie? Is that a new trend you're trying to start or you been doing it for awhile?
sharebecause i am transracial. i always wanted to be an afro american but my totally inconsiderate white privileged parents decided to screw me over over and make me a white dude. luckely its 2019 and i can switch my race
shareMonica Rambeau was Captain Marvel before Carol Danvers.