Incel's worst nightmare
Let the sperging begin
shareThose losers that hate women because they don't wanna fuck them.
shareWhy is she their worst nightmare?
shareBecause she won't let MGTOW
shareIsnt mgtow the opposite of incel?
shareNo, MGTOW is an Incel who doesn't want to admit that his celibacy is not his own idea, but other people's.
shareThat's not true. I don't date anymore, and I understand why some men would want to do there own thing not involving each their own I say. I can't speak for incels...I have no idea what it's like not being able to talk to and date women. It's just not something I enjoy anymore, but I do not hate anyone.
I try not associate with labels, I like to be my own person and learn as much as I can about the world around me on all sides.
MGTOW use the word gynocentric to describe conditions that they claim favor women to the detriment of men, and are opposed to such circumstances. MGTOW believe that there is a systemic gynocentric bias against men including double standards in gender roles, bias against men in family courts, lack of concern for men falsely accused of rape and lack of consequences for their accusers.
Lot of truth to this imo. I've seen numerous examples hence the birth of 3rd wave feminism as they call them.
Oh the double standards, bias, and man hate is definitely reality. You'd have to be blind and deaf to not see and hear it all around you these days. It's been going on a for a couple of they just don't bother with the subtlety or hidden messages anymore.
Thank you for the link, I've heard of Karen Straughten.
The issue here is the new breed of anti-feminist whiners who believe emasculation is prevalent in recent movie culture. It started around the time when Star Wars made their main character a woman. Anti-feminists have been on a warpath ever since even though there was no such backlash during Tarantino's Kill Bill series or Ripley in the Alien series.
But now any strong female character gets the incels, MGTOWs, neckbeards, whatever you wanna call them (I prefer anti-feminists) to completely flip their shit primarily over movies. So one has to wonder what caused this. Because it wasn't movies. It wasn't the MeToo movement either, that came after. To me it looks like a combination of gamergate amplified by Star Wars that brought these idiots out of the woodwork. And now all they can talk about is how feminism is ruining movies.
Yeah, I don't know what that means either.
In other news, an early screening of Captain Marvel has one commentator saying the cat in the movie is great. At least there is that much to be stoked about.