Marvel rarely gets B and C list actors for their majors roles. That's a trend I think most people should have spotted by now
Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johannson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Bradley Cooper, and Josh Brolin are all Oscar nominees
Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, Chadwick Boseman, and Chris Hemsworth were all stars on the rise when they were cast
Chris Pratt and Paul Rudd are instantly recognizable from their comedy work
I'm not trying to shit on the actresses you named, they may be very talented, but I had to google them to see who they were. And when I did google them I saw they were both over 35
Brie Larson is barely 29 and already has an Oscar. I'm not saying it had to be her, because I don't like Brie Larson, but it had to be someone LIKE her. A young star who will continue to be on the A list for the next ten years that she does Marvel movies. I actually think they should cast more unknowns, as the big scenes with all the Avengers in one room can be jarring when you see all these famous people speaking all this comic book gibberish. It takes me out of the movie every time