At this point, I don't know if Marvel is holding back to surprise us when the movie comes out, or if what we're seeing in these trailers is designed to dampen anticipation.
The action sequences move so fast that it's hard to catch details and the moments intended to be funny aren't funny at all. In the end, this second trailer is even less appealing than the first one and that's not good!
Is Larsen made of wood? I think I've seen lichens with more life than she exudes.
Looks like it'll be on the level of, say, the first Ant-Man or Doctor Strange movies which I consider very middle-of-the-road. It doesn't look terrible but I'm not super excited for it, either.
Yeah, unlikable like 98% of the female characters Hollywood comes up with in movies like this (Female led Comic book movies, superhero movies, action movies).
They feel if they write a female character who has flaws, vulnerabilities, or weaknesses it is sexist, so all supposedly "strong woman" characters (I'm really growing to hate that term) become unlikeable know-it-alls with no sense of humor, no human qualities, and no ability to fall in love, because god forbid the female character had romantic feelings for a dreaded male character...then she would cease to be "independent" and "strong" and would have to be vulnerable.
The amount of analysis that goes into women characters for these types of movies is insane, and what they come up with is laughable most of the time.
You would think they'd look no further than Wonder Woman and how Patty Jenkins and the script writers gave us a strong super hero who's both a woman and has human vulnerabilities. WW was great! Black Widow and Gamora in the MCU have also been portrayed in this manner.
When they have examples, why is it so hard to imagine a character with both traits - strength and emotion?
It seems they want to make a movie for those who identify from a gender standpoint than a persona standpoint. Guess we will see how audiences react. I think it's a poor concept. I believe they will use her alien life to explain her aloofness/coldness in the movie. Guess they have to do it.
I think they're trying to establish tone before teasing the good stuff. The problem is the tone isn't so great. This is probably gonna be the last time we get a big role from Jackson's Fury as well, and it looks like that's gonna be pretty disappointing.