MovieChat Forums > Childhood's End (2015) Discussion > Liberal Bias in Childhood's End

Liberal Bias in Childhood's End

Just a quick note. In the original novel Arthur C Clarke predicted that the end of Apartheid would result in the genocide of the South African people. In the new miniseries they call Nelson Mandela one of the great heroes of the human race. In reality, Nelson Mandela is one of the leading causes and supporters of the genocide in South Africa.

The series is filled with your usual anti-white liberal bias, but the Nelson Mandela thing is a glaring example of reality turned upside down, and history rewritten... but for what nefarious purpose I'll leave to you guys to figure out.


What universe do you live in? I'm certain that anything you don't like was created for some nefarious purpose.

When liberals do things conservatives don't like, the latter scream. When conservatives do the same sorts of things, butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

Politically and socially conservative SF writers are uncommon (Heinlein being the most-obvious example). Science fiction tends to be implicitly critical of "things as they are", and is thus leftward-leaning.


Where did you reat that in the book? I can't recall that. I do recall that the books explains how interracial and homosexual relationships are fairly common, and people change partners pretty often. So it seems the traditional institution of marriage has been abandoned. That was probably fairly progressive back in 1958, where there were laws against racial intermarriage. Nowadays this seems like no big deal.

One thing that Clarke did get wrong though in his predictiosn of soclal change is that the n-word would no longer be considered offensive, but just an empty phrase.


Wtf are you smoking! Nelson Mandela is fought against apartheid and the mass murder if his people. The white people to this day should be worshiping the ground he walked on because he alone prevented an uprising which would've basically killed damn near every white person in that country. He called for peace instead of war. The white people of South Africa should be thankful that he was such a good man. How many peope on this planet could endure 27 years of not only false imprisonment but torture and be left with no malice in their heart after becoming free......especially given the power he possessed and could've used to do what ever he wanted to do with.


Hey OP, all you really had to post was, "Hi everybody, I'm an ignorant, racist troll!"

Think of all the keystrokes you could have saved.


Nelson Mandela wasn't all sunshine and roses (look up 'necklacing' if you don't believe me), and pointing that out does not make one a racist bigot.

What little I saw of this astoundingly stupid 'adaptation' was very anti-religious and yeah, had a huge liberal bias.


I never said it was a good adaptation, in fact I also thought it was terrible. Also, I'm sure Mandela wasn't all "sunshine and roses", but who would be considering the environment that formed him?

My opinion of the OP remains unchanged.



oh go out and clean your dogs pooping area with your mouth will ya?


by the OP
