Are all the women in this series stupid?
Ellie - Imagine, an alien is in your home. Your planet. He has all the answers to the universe, can do miraculous feats of healing, cleaning the environment, stopping violence. Their technology is so way above ours that they appear to be gods. You can talk to this creature and what wondering, thoughtful questions do you ask..?
None. You're too busy being jealous of dead girlfriends, and blubbering about not being able to get pregnant, so you can blither to babies and crawl in the dirt with them. So upset are you that you pull a f vking gun on the alien, just to, you know, show how mature and rational you are and what a good mother you'd make.
Rachel - Your boyfriend/co-worker has an epiphany about where these miraculous aliens come from. Do you question him on how he came to that conclusion? Do you ask him to show you his thought processes? No, you whine that he's using your favorite lipstick to write with and he's just ruining it! Then he does find out what system and planet the Overlords are from. Do you look at the planet? Confirm his theory? Try to determine the atmosphere on the planet and what sort of life it could support? No, you don't even bother to look, because his lips need kissing.
Amy - Mombie supreme. She's immaculately impregnated and suddenly is nothing but a grinning chimp, uncaring and uninterested in anything outside her hormones and prego belly because that's the height of woman-ness achievement.
Peretta - unstable psycho chick. She's such a woman of faith and a follower of Jesus the Prince of Peace that of course, murder is an option when her delusions about someone she doesn't even know take hold.
Did anyone actually read the book? Are there any women characters in it? Are they this stupid?
"Can you keep a secret? Can you know something and never speak of it again?"