I read the book years ago, it was the only reason I watched the series.
Same here - and I have to say that I was not impressed by this adaptation. The biggest individual change was in the Stormgren character and sub-plot, which ended up being, frankly, not just boring, but annoying. If they'd stuck to the original idea, they could have cut a couple of hours from the series and turned it into a much tighter two-parter. Still, I suppose they felt they had to introduce some sort of romantic sub-plot to appeal to a wider audience, but they forgot that most of the audience would consist of SF (and in particular Arthur C Clarke) fans, who would have wanted more focus on the SF elements. For me, there wasn't enough of the Overlords (presumably for budgetary reasons), but they - and their relationship with the Overmind - were the most interesting elements of the book.