But I think your logic is a bit off here.
So, a race that can travel for light years and can live forever, who can bring planes down from the sky to land like feathers, who can bring a dead boy back to life and make him walk, who can cure all the earths ills, and create super children, these beings can be killed by one bullet from a primitive gun?
Their reason for their actions? Humans are approaching interstellar travel - yeah - that old chestnut. So if they have all these powers why not simply remove the aggression impulse from the human brain and let them get on with it?
No - it's a far better idea to make them all sterile and let them die out before blowing the planet out of the sky.
What about all the innocent creatures on the earth - I don't suppose Mr Camel and his mate Mr Tiger are much interested in interstellar travel.
I also did not like the look of orgasmic pleasure on both the aliens faces when the earth blew up either. It seemed to me that they were more like roving psychopaths rather than God's facilitators.
I don't pretend to understand the whole God using the Devil stuff - so I can't comment on that - and it strikes me as odd that millions of children with obvious anger and impulse control issues would be considered suitable for cosmic integration!
And what exactly did Milo accomplish after doing his stowaway bit for eighty years? A brief conversation - death by super child - (there was no need to be afraid - right? Just the extinction of the human race and the destruction of their planet)
Sorry Arthur - I didn't enjoy this at all.