They don't necessarily need to live 'happily ever after,' because, like we both agree, it is a Todd Solondz film. At the same time, there are an infinite number of possibilities of how both Dawn and Brandon could've turned out.
I like what Todd Solondz said in his interview with 'The Ringer':
'I asked Solondz how he feels about these criticisms. ?You know, I dramatized Dawn at a very difficult point in her life, 11, 12 years old,? he says of Dollhouse. ?And so much can transpire over the next 20 years that there are so many different ways that she could have grown up. Whether she becomes, so-called, quote-unquote prettier, or less quote-unquote-pretty, there?s so many different ways. But a certain kind of sense of not belonging and of feeling at odds? those were qualities that I felt would stick with her over time, and that Greta could fulfill.?'
As bleak and as boundary pushing as a lot of Solondz work can be, I am glad he's allowed and acknowledged the different life trajectories his characters can possibly take. This seems to be as 'hopeful' and as 'positive' as Solondz work is going to get. And that's a huge push on his part. One thing I'm happy he's *finally* acknowledging is that core aspect of Dawn's character that is part of her essence, and that's A. Being different, B. Never fitting in, and C. Feeling at odds and having this endearing awkward naivity about her.
For Brandon, I always feel like he'll always have that acerbic bite and aggressiveness to his personality. However, I do feel as if he has matured though since his middle school days. He may still tease Dawn, based on his comment about the dog looking like her, but he's not nearly as mean spirited or nasty as he used to be. We'd have to see more of him on screen though to really make a fully formed opinion on that...I can see, however that he's really hurting inside. Not only did his dad just pass, but he's got a serious drug problem that could kill him if he's not careful.
As for Dawn & Brandon becoming a couple? I see this as a very possible path for the two of them. Brandon has always had some sort of affection for Dawn. And instinctively, I sense he obviously feels tenderness, a sense of kinship, and a closeness, or need to be close to her. She obviously has an interest in getting to know him again, and seems open to starting a possible relationship. They obviously enjoy each other's company; Brandon wouldn't have asked her to accompany him, if he didn't.