MovieChat Forums > Keanu (2016) Discussion > the one thing that really sort of made m...

the one thing that really sort of made me feel a little :/

spoilers ahead

at the very end when she says "keanu has a rare disease...he'll be a kitten forever."

like with all the animals that get taken to the shelter or abandoned because they grew up from cute little puppies and kitties into bigger dogs and cats, it just left me with sort of a bad taste. like as if keanu wouldn't be cute or adorable if he wasn't a kitten always. i just felt like adding that in was sort of out of place and random and they could have done without that.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."


I think you missed the point, it was a parody of the sequel-bait trope.


I guess I must have missed the point too. I thought it was a wink at the fact that months go by during the film and yet the tiny kitten character has remained a tiny kitten - because that's what he needs to be for the movie to work.

Honestly I thought it would have been funnier if they hadn't even mentioned it.


^ That's what I got out of it.


Actually it addressed a key plot hole. If Keanu had gone through that many owners for so long, he would not be a kitten by the time this takes place. Also, IT WAS FUNNY.


Although getting your cat fixed keeps it a kitten in behavior even when they've turned into a 20 lb Maine Coon like the one in my avatar.

And one of my cats is freakishly small.

If they did a sequel, they could claim the cat is an alien life form
Or a mutant like nightcrawler

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


Had a fixed cat who ruled the neighborhood like Mufasa. I've had and known any number of cats and never had one fail to act mature as they got older though they frequently act more affectionate as they age. I wouldn't have another outdoor cat because of the constant worry but this one was a legend in his world and very masculine in everything but chasing females. He lived his life to the fullest.


And one of my cats is freakishly small.

Eeyup. Same thing happens to cats and dogs that happens to humans like Gary Coleman. That is what Keanu and possibly your cat have.
