How did it get 77% on RT?
unfunny,tedious and repetitive.
shareFunny, original, great concept.
shareYour opinion. Mine? Funny as hell. Easy to watch, and repetition of a soft joke until it really sticks has always kinda been their schtick. It comes from their days on MadTV. I find it endearing. The whole story is a unique and fun diversion when set against other happenings in our face lately.
shareYour opinion. Mine? Funny as hell. Easy to watch, and repetition of a soft joke until it really sticks has always kinda been their schtick. It comes from their days on MadTV. I find it endearing. The whole story is a unique and fun diversion when set against other happenings in our face lately.
shareSpot on buddy, This film was rubbish!
shareEasier to understand than it sounds. Basically put, there were 132 reviews of the film recorded by Rotten Tomatoes. 101 of those reviews were positive. 101/132 is 77% so the film ended up with a 77% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
sharewhile i disagree with your conclusion i've never understood rotten tomatoes scores. I feel imdb's scores are much more consistent, 6 is average and 7+ is good and worth a watch.
shareWell like, that just your opinion, man.
shareOne joke extended for a feature does not a good film make. Especially when it is an old joke.
Citing NASA as experts on these matters is like citing the KK on matters of race relations.
- rj
this movie seemed to have more than one joke to me.
shareOf course. I"m talking about the meat of the movie was a running gag of them trying to act hard. Not a very creative gag to begin with, much less enough to keep me laughing throughout.
Citing NASA as experts on these matters is like citing the KK on matters of race relations.
- rj