MovieChat Forums > Keanu (2016) Discussion > Thirty minutes of good movie...

Thirty minutes of good movie...

If they cut this down, sharpened up the scenes, kept what was thematically relevant and made sure each joke and bit got hit just once - instead of laboring every gag and stretching out every sequence to the point of neutering it - you'd have about thirty hilarious, meaningful minutes of stupid fun, brilliant social satire, and general Key & Peele amazingness. But then they would've had to have worked way harder to create another good hour of sustainable material before having a real feature on their hands.

Instead we get the lazy way out. A movie that suggests the masters of the sketch comedy format can't keep the same density of ideas up for a feature length. Cute cat, great character actors, some fleeting general commentary about stereotypes, and the overall likability of K&P all make it a tolerable view for me, but if those things had been in service to a tighter, more interesting script, this could have been amazing.

I look forward to their next feature, and hope they bring a little more ambition to future projects, because even silly fun should at least try to swing for the fences.


I'm still trying to get through the full movie. so many stretched out cringe-worthy scenes, that I shut it off and go to something else or fast forward to a "possible" funny part of the movie.

love their show but I see now that they are good in short bursts....not 90 minutes.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


Completly. Would love to see them master long form though.
