Why direct to DVD?

Honestly I'm sure this is going to be terrible but pretty much everyone I know is a fan of the first film and I'm sure there's more of an audience for this than say Paul Blart 2 so why no theatrical release?


I was just thinking the same thing. I'm a huge fan of David Spade, and I was really looking forward to seeing this on the big screen! So disappointing!


Well, the first one wasn't really that big of a success. It only made 27 mill (domestic), which isn't really anything to brag about. Most movies that get theatrically released sequels were very successful in theaters the first time around. Sequels in general only make about half of what their predecessors make. The original Joe Dirt didn't make big money, so it's unlikely the sequel would if it were to come out in theaters.

On top of that, it has been a whopping 14 years since it came out. That's quite a bit of time, even if a lot of people remember it and liked it. If you're gonna make a sequel, you have to do it fast, while the original is still fresh in people's minds. 10-12 years ago, most people remembered it. In 2015 though? Well, the movie has its fans, but the average moviegoer today may have either no idea what Joe Dirt is, or only have a vague memory of it at best.

I mean, look what just happened this past year with Hot Tub Time Machine 2. The first movie was a modest hit, and made nearly double what Joe Dirt made. And they made a sequel that went to theaters this year, only a few years later, and it still flopped. It only made a fraction of what the original made. Same thing with Sin City 2! The first one was a mild hit in 2005, making 74 million domestic. It definitely is a cult hit and has a die hard following. Most people who aren't even fans of it or have never seen it at least know what it is. Well, even with all that, the second one came out last year, 9 years after the first came out, and it BOMBED big time. Like it was a mega flop.

Even Dumb and Dumber, which is one of the most beloved comedies ever, had a sequel come out in theaters last year and it had a somewhat disappointing run at the box office. It made a lot less than the original did 20 years ago. It didn't flop, but it still made way less and people were predicting the sequel to be a huge moneymaker.

So why take a chance on Joe Dirt 2? The first one is an old movie, and it didn't make that much at the box office. Financially, it would be wise to not waste the money to heavily promote it and distribute it to theaters nationwide when it would most likely not do very well.


no, that's not completely right

All the movies you mentioned flopped hard because they were awful movies. Sin City was nowhere near as good as the first one so the ratings killed that movie.
Hot Tub Time Machine was boring and people were saying the best thing in the movie was the end credits.
Even Dumb and Dumber 2 had pretty bad reviews. I understand the point you were making about this sequel being too late.
but that's not the reason those other ones flopped, not because they were sequels, it was because they were Awful sequels


It's going straight to crackle


Because they knew once people saw the movie they would be in line with pitch forks and torches demanding their $10 back! I am so so bummed it turned out the way it did. 14 years of waiting and This is what they made? Spade made the entire plot a compilation of parodies and then tried to connect them all. Some of them were painful to watch (the fart joke retread scene rehashed from the original but was 4 times as long and not at all funny... though the blonde hottie was nice to watch for the whole couple minutes of screen time she had). the Castaway parody was just awful and too long. The original Joe Dirt had some dignity to it.


I haven't seen it yet but I kind of just assumed it was gonna be bad. The first one isn't a classic by any means but it's an enjoyable "dumb" comedy. Once I found out this wasn't getting a theatrical release, I figured it was a train wreck.


It was definitely made on a budget. a small one. But That is not what necessarily did the film in (and I have watched it a couple times now and can be a Little kinder in my review...but not much).
This film suffered the fate of having let Spade write it completely and apparently Sandler (who's quality has been diminishing by the year) didn't do anything to bring it up a bit.
The budget could have been $5,000 with Spade and a small team of amateurs who worked for free and it could have been better if for the one simple fact that they didn't use the plot of making most of the film a series of parodies. I am the first one who will say I enjoy a good parody, but there is no need to incorporate them into the whole movie and make some compilation.
The first was a classic for what it was. This could have been a lot better if they had gone with a viable tried and true plot of Joe being a screw up raising his family and Brandy keeping things grounded. I mean it's not rocket science. Dumb dad does funny things with his kids and grounded mom keeps things afloat. Heck, it's a plot that has worked for the Simpsons for over 25 years! Thats all Spade really needed to do.. replicate a Simpsons plot and it would have been better. There was no need to go into this silly time travel thing. I'm not saying it couldn't have been done right. But it wasn't. It never bothered to flesh out any of the characters along the way to any real extent. He was bouncing all over the place. For example,, he could have met Brandy's mom and had a relationship with her. Or he could have become a roadie for Skynyrd. but as soon as he laid out a character, it was done and he moved on to the next joke.
So that is why I figure he might as well have just retreaded the dumb dad and kids plot line from the Simpsons or any number of dumb dad with kids movies already made. It might have been predictable, but I would venture to bet it would have been more enjoyable.
I would love to seem them take another crack at continuing the JD story, but considering it basically has flopped on Crackle, I think even Sandler would have to be on crack to back it. The sequel needed to be made years ago and for the love of God I am not sure why Sandler green lighted some absolute garbage in the 14 year span between films before he got on board with this. I'm sorry but Gown Ups 2 before Joe Dirt 2?!?! Makes no sense.


I saw the first one and liked it. I had no idea this was out until I saw it on IMDB.
I didn't think it was all that bad. It was definitely a much better sequel than Hot Tub 2, Dumb and Dumber 2 or Paul Blart 2. Those sequels SUCKED SUCKED SUCKED. Especially Paul Blart 2, I couldn't even finish it. They all got theatrical releases. I would never spend $15 to see ANY of thee films, including the original installments. Some of them are worth a buck at the RedBox, but some of them weren't even worth that.


Even the original Paul Blart was awful..

Observe and Report was so much better.

If I can't smoke and swear I'm *beep*


Because there really is not much of an audience the first film barley made any money and did not get great reviews(But it was still able to became a cult classic). Also Spade never really was a draw its not like the general audicence would watch the movie just because he is in it,honestly this movie is really for fans of the first film.
I really liked the sequel sure its not better than the first one,but I was still laughing though. I would love a Joe Dirt 3

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi
