Theory: The same person?

The following might be a spoiler, or I'm just dumb.
Were Wyatt and Christian the same person? A couple of things made me think this. Both had ended a relationship. Wyatt was the manly one while Christian was trying to be. Plus Christian had seen a psychiatrist when he tried to kill himself. The only thing is the one picture that showed them together kind of ruins the idea. But then they show that his psychosis was effecting the ways he saw the photos also. I don't know just can't help thinking that.
Let me know what you think.

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Now I'm watching it with your theory in mind. Makes it more exciting.


I guess it's possible but I don't like theories like that :) You could say that theory or something like "it was just a dream" about literally any movie!

Also it would be an hallucination within an hallucination. Kinda like halluception :D

But the movie wouldn't really make sense to me that way while it makes plenty of sense if you watch it at face value. What about the scenes where we see both of them with other people and interact with each other? How would you explain that Mara brought her friend with her?

On a metaphorical level your theory makes sense of course, they are kinda similar and both screwed up in different ways.


Sorry but i don't think so. They interact individually with same people, the friend of Mara for example. Also the final part wouldn't make any sense if they were the same person...
It's just a story about two friends. One of them have a mental illness, the other wants to help him.


Agreed. I don't think the story works if this is some kind of Fight Club plot twist.


I watched it again and it seems possible. At least metaphorically.

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I haven't seen this, I'm about to download it, but I certainly hope this is not true of the film, because the teaser looks awesome and the premise is
interesting. The 'same person' plot device has become so overused, clichéd and gimmick-like in movies. Yeah, we get it, the characters are psychologically identical and duality is an evil, now give us something else to reflect on.


They aren't the same person, there's no evidence towards dual personalities. Their experiences are coincidental in ways meant to contrast two different types of delusion and failure. It's really a movie about both of them as individuals and the value of friendship....and scary nightmare monsters. It is not a movie about one crazy guy.

The scenes of Christian at work and on the subway put the character above supporting-role status. His character arc is one half of the climactic equation.


Did you miss the part near the beginning when they went to the hospital because Mara's friend slipped and hit her head? If Christian and Wyatt are the same person, how did those two women interact with them if they are the same person? Mara even says, "Guy's, you didn't have to come." Wyatt even introduces himself to "Cindy", too.

Perhaps you mixed this up with Enemy (2013), lol.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


exactly. this movie was bad and people are trying to make it more interesting and smart than it was.


Sorry this movie didn't have enough boobs for you.

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You could try to understand it that way but I don't see why. The whole point of the ending is that the trust between friends helped the sick one overcome his delusions. If they're the same guy that point is completely lost.
