Nothing More Stupid Than...

driving around in a van trying to help people. You would not survive an hour. Add on top of that letting heavily armed clear threats the opportunity to walk away. Always smart to let killers have a second chance at you on Purge night. Terrible plot devices are exactly that...terrible. Who in their right mind would have as their primary weapon a handgun! I want to see a smart Purge film. If it makes you roll your eyes it's a waste. You get taken down with friggin tasers! It's asinine. The one thing I probably despise the most is when someone can't kill or in this case allow someone to die because of the martyr excuse. Boo hoo don't do this or we are no better than them boo hoo. The guy already killed how many friggin people in that church! I actually wanted to see the whiny pain in the a$$ Senator die. Would have been a better movie if they wrote the Senator as bad a$$. Hollywood let that bull$h!t martyr logic excuse go away forever.


What really pissed me off was after they killed the girls...they just left their gold AK's in the street. They were clearly superior weapons compared to what they were carrying... and they just left them there... on purge night... Stupid.
