Pretty Weak Ending

This was the weakest movie of the 3. I thought the second movie was the best. First was good it introduced us to the mayhem of the Purge and the concept. Second movie hit on all cylinders.

This one though was very lame. I guess if you wanted to end the series you do it like this, but was overall very poor.

What the first 2 had was the terror of making it thru the night. This installment had none of that.


I did like one killing though. The shotgun blast of the girls outside the deli was awesome. they were not talking to much trash after that.


Yeah but that was half way through the movie with the candy girls. The ending was lame. I agree.


I didn't like much of it at all. Decent killings, but the political aspect was so backwards. And when did May 26 become election day? Also why did Marcos come to the U.S. if he knew about the purge? Trying to survive in Mexico so you move to a country that has an entire night where all crime is perfectly fine and low income neighborhoods are the main target? Makes sense.


I though it was alright. I have seen far, far worse endings.
