PC CRAP, ruined the franchise

The first two movies,were fun. Kind of a "what would you do" scenario. Pure fantasy. This chapter is just PC nonsense. White people are evil, Crips are heroes, democrats are saints, GOP are the enemy. SOOOOOO contrived, unoriginal and lame. No wonder consumers are tuning out to Hollywood.


As much as I hate PC bs, i was able to see passed most of it. Some did get on my nerves. Like Joe and his back and forth with Leo. Leo is a security expert and you're criticizing him for not trusting you within 20 minutes of meeting you. May have saved him, but thwt doesn't make him the one in charge. And the Confederate flag and Swastika patches on the main merc's jacket. So typical. But i just shrugged it off. Libs gonna be libs.


> This chapter is just PC nonsense. White people are evil,

Well, can you explain any other reason why someone might have invented this whole idea of The Purge? Go ahead; use your imagination.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
