Huge Plothole
What stops a foreign country from sending over as many people as they can to basically wipe out as many people as possible?
shareWhat stops a foreign country from sending over as many people as they can to basically wipe out as many people as possible?
shareSo if that was the case, would that mean in that time period they could be vulnerable to nuclear attack or give other country's the green light to? Interesting concept
shareYeah, that is true, if "any and all crimes are legal" during those 12 hours, that would include terrorism, wouldn't it? And since all police and other services are shut down, who would prevent anybody just coming over the boarder, or via ship, and raise hell.
But that is just one of the problems with this concept. Once you get over that, the movie(s) are not that bad.
No, because they clearly say that explosives and weapons above "class 4" whatever that means are banned.
Im sure a nuclear bomb would fall on the prohibited list.
Not only that, you also can't drop a bomb on them from another country. You'd have to be in the US to purge.
shareIf they hadn't ended the Purge at the end of this one, that COULD have been the plot for the 4th one. The Purge: Invasion
It shows in #3 that foreigners are coming over to kill Americans, so in the opening of #4 have it be revealed that travel to the States has SPIKED around the time of the Purge. The plot could center around the revelation that foreign countries have banded together and sent citizen-soldiers over to attack and destabilize the government in that 12 hour period. The POV could be from a group of soldiers who are dispatched to eliminate those using the weapons that are supposed to be BANNED in the purge.
"I'm gonna show you something beautiful: Everyone screaming for mercy."
I think the terrorists would be happy enough to watch the people from another country kill each other.
share> What stops a foreign country from sending over as many people as they can to basically wipe out as many people as possible?
Well, first off, that's not a plot hole. Plot hole are things that just aren't possible within the confines of the movie.
But, the answer to your question is "the American people". Certainly if mobs of foreigners came over to try to kill Americans, the Americans would fight back and try to kill them. And, the Americans would have home field advantage. Americans have all their weapons and vehicles while the foreigners couldn't carry theirs through customs. And, Americans know the streets and have the keys to access roofs and windows.
And, maybe the US Government would welcome that. The goal of The Purge is to wipe out the lower class. So, maybe they'll welcome a little help.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
How many people would really risk their lifes except from some some adrenaline junkies?!
You could also control it with "hunting fees".
You want to purge - it's 50,000 bucks. You can lower or rise the rate in order to regulate the influx.
And even if they spoke of a purge tourism, I still guess many more normal tourists will stay away - and more for one day. Many because they won't stuck, the others because of the chaos and its fixing (you saw all these fires within the city).
Hence you lose maybe an entire month of the regular tourist business, plus the tremendous damage to the infrastructure and private and public property. And according what I saw, a lot of people (=> negative impact on the labour force)
The economical argument is pure BS.
Anyway: only rich *beep* would come over and do what the goverment aims for: going for the weakest - middle class at max.
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