> Guess the they set the Smithsonian complexes or the Library of Congress etc on fire.
Nothing is protected by the police or military.
There are likely rules about the Purge that we are not told. They mentioned that high-level government officials were off limits (except this year). So, probably government buildings and structures would be too. And, likely, soldiers and police and firemen on duty to protect those people and structures would all be protected as well.
Now, it's still dangerous to be out on the street even if you are a protected class because people are just going nuts out there and, in a frenzy, might not care if you are protected.
Besides, the chances of getting caught are virtually nil. You wear a mask and break into someplace protected and kill someone protected and they will never be able to pick you out of the loonies running around that night.
The whole movie is based around a premise that just can't work.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?