Those foreign purgers:

Were you happy when they mowed down those foreign purgers?


That aspect of the movie was kind of cool.
The idea of tourists coming to America solely to purge like the Americans do was a nice little nugget.


Also, their Russian was kind of OK, much better than usual in US movies, and they actually said something meaningful, not the usual бла-бла-бла. Liked that they had Russians drenched in American symbols a lot.


But they are killing people. If they go back to their own country, won't they be prosecuted for murder even if it was legal in the USA?


Most likely. At least thats how the law works in scandinavian countries like Sweden, Norway etc. You committ a serious crime like rape, murder can be tried in court even if the crime was committed in another country by a foreginer against a foreigner. Doesnt matter. In Sweden we even had cases like that.


Germany too.

Willkommen im Zeitalter des Trump!


There can only be a murder or rape case against you if there is any shred of evidence.
If ISIS members can return from Syria to Sweden and live free then people who traveled to USA ahead of the Purge day can sure as hell too.


But they were wearing masks, yes their faces were shown when being interviewed at the airport, but there'd be no way to prove they did anything since so many people kill/are killed that night legally, so I bet they don't even bother with autopsies.


It was Purge night, all crime was legal. I doubt they'd be arrested.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


Interesting question, actually. Something that is legal in one country but illegal at home? What does the law say? I have to assume that the laws of the country where the "crime" is committed will be the deciding factor. In this case, our purging tourists should get away with it.

True Self is righteous. It's a conspiracy to portray Man as a savage that needs taming and policing.


No expert here, but usually its the laws of the country that you are currently in. If you go to another country and break their laws, they will certainly prosecute you for that. If I am an American visiting Canada, I have to follow all their laws regarding traffic and gun rights and drug use. If you commit a serious crime like murder and flee back to your home country, the foreign government will usually work with your government to extradite you back to their country to be prosecuted.

Same works the other way, as far as I can see. Plenty of US citizens between 18 and 21 go to Canada to legally drink and the US government isnt prosecuting them for that. Same thing with going to Amsterdam to smoke weed. I think the reason why is that most laws apply to geographic areas that the local governments agree to enforce. Arizona agrees to enforce the drinking age for anyone within its geographic jurisdiction, rather than enforcing it for any Arizona resident regardless of where they currently are.

Not sure how the Purge would factor into this though. I'm guessing most countries would probably put their own regulations on what citizens can do and whether or not they can leave the country to participate in the Purge.


Yes, the laws of that land would apply. One thing the foreign government can do is making specific laws for it's citizens, banning them form participating in the Purge (like they've done in Europe, making laws to ban people from traveling abroad for military training or joining ISIS), but that's quite unlikely because the Purge would not have any negative impact on home-country; on the contrary, all negative energies would be channeled into the Purge, making it perhaps more peaceful at home.

True Self is righteous. It's a conspiracy to portray Man as a savage that needs taming and policing.


Im glad they got gunned down hard :)


I was going to write a post about this. That part was one of the most disturbing things about the movie...they were so happy to do it...


i think it was xenophobic. American moviemakers portray foreigners as brutal and violent while Americans are the most violent people in the world. Nowhere in the world there are mass shootings like in America.


It's not like the Americans are portrayed as much better in these movies.


It's realistic that there would be "tourists" to the Purge. People go overseas to do all kinds of messed-up stuff.

If anything, foreign governments likely use Purge-Tourism to get rid of dangerous elements in their own societies. The tourists go to Purge and get themselves killed.

Fluoride does not prevent tooth decay. It does render teeth detectable by spy satellite -JL


I see your point but these guys would return here...ehm..."radicalised" so to speak, I don't think it would be wise for a government to let people go to legalized war and then allow them to come back after having tasted the blood.

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


while Americans are the most violent people in the world.

Yeah, no. Far from it. You're the left's wet dream voter. If you spent even a minute doing research you'd quickly find out your statement is bullshít but your type tends to believe what you want to believe, hear what you want to hear, and see what you want to see. Americans being anything other than the most violent murdering gun-slinging psychopaths in the world would shatter your worldview and shít all over your political narrative.

I'd love to hear how you'd "stop gun violence".


How about we stop making guns so effing easy to obtain? That would be a simple start. Of course the NRA and their paid-for GOP henchmen will fight every bit of it. Hey, profits over people, right?


How about we stop making guns so effing easy to obtain?

How about we hold those that pull the trigger more responsible? Guns by themselves don't kill. I'm pretty sure a lot of people die every year from knives and even more from car collisions. How about that? 80 people died the other day in France because someone decided to drive a truck through a crowd of people. How about those car bombings that go on and on?

I don't know what state you live in, but in California, you can only legally buy 1 gun a month. Not sure how this is "easy". You can't stock pile at one gun a month, including rifles, from the time you receive the weapon, not the purchase date. I won't even go into the background check. However, if anyone thinks this is "easy", good. Law abiding citizens should be able to obtain what they want or need "easily". They shouldn't have to jump through hoops or be restricted because some people don't follow the law and F... it up for everyone else.

But if you're referring to getting guns illegally, well, you can get drugs off the street or legally, and they kill far more people every year vs guns.

( - "Drug overdose deaths are the leading cause of injury death in the United States, ahead of motor vehicle deaths and firearms (deaths)," the Drug Enforcement Agency announced on Wednesday.

In 2013, the most recent year for which data is available, 46,471 people in the United States died from drug overdoses, and more than half of those deaths were caused by prescription painkillers and heroin.

That compares with the 35,369 who died in motor vehicle crashes and 33,636 who died from firearms, as tallied by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Ehm, I don't want to rain on your parade, I am not american so I don't even have an interest or care, but; of the many democratic countries in the world the USA does have the highest rate of incarceration. It doesn't say everything about violence, because not all convicted criminals committed acts of violence, but it does give a sad image about violence in the US.

Btw, i d reckon if such a purge actually existed it would be the foreigners that kill the most; think about it they especially come for the purge, so they are either insane maniacs of highly skilled insane maniacs lol.

No regular person would want a part of it, so most of the killings would be by murderous americans and murderous foreigners. Guess it s a simple numbers game; there are more psycho's in the combined countries of the rest of the world than there are in the US.

"Cake or death?" ehmm, cake please


They didn't say "of the democratic nations" or "first world nations". They specifically said "most violent people in the world", and we're not even close. Africa, South America, the Middle East, and Asia all have countries that exceed the United States in terms of violence/murder per capita.

I agree our justice system needs a major reform, but our incarceration rates are not an accurate portrayal of violence in this country. When you further examine the statistics violent crimes make up less than half. Roughly 46% are imprisoned for drug-related offenses, and roughly 60% (including the previously mentioned drug crimes) are incarcerated for nonviolent offenses.

Don't confuse this post as me claiming we don't have a problem with violence in our country - I know we do, I was simply pointing out how inaccurate the other poster's statement was. In fact as of 2016 there are 60 countries ranked more dangerous on the Global Peace Index. However considering our status on the world stage and how we're often looked at as a leader of the first world it would be nice to be much lower than #61.


I am curious what the incarceration rate would be if you factored out all victimless crimes (drugs, prostitution, etc) as well as ridiculous stuff like people busted for downloading movies illegally. If you only look at "real" crimes would the incarceration rate still be one of the highest or would it move America many spots down the list?


" American moviemakers portray foreigners as brutal and violent while Americans are the most violent people in the world. Nowhere in the world there are mass shootings like in America."

This comment is SO stupid. This movie shows America as SO violent that others want to come and join in on it. This isn't the movie to be spewing this propaganda.

That being said, I couldn't tell you which country is the most violent.



This was the craziest bunch Europe had to offer. I mean, if you are crazy enough to get together with friends and fly all the way to another continent JUST to kill, and having seen it year after year without ever experiencing it, you are probably going to be a lot more violent than those doing it every year.

I mean, if you take the sickest people from any nation, they are going to be pretty damned insane.


If they were Canadian, they would first apologize by saying "Sorry, eh!" before killing you with a sharpened hockey stick. 😀


I actually would've liked to see that.


I was happy to see them die but their existence in the movie didn't shock me. People from all over travel to "lawless" places to do evil things. Case in point: That dentist who killed Cecil the lion.


or white men traveling to Thailand to have sex with underage girls.



Because only white men are pedophiles, right? I must be one then.


I was glad they got killed for that obnoxious and cartoonish Russian accent alone. It was like listening to a parody. Very bad voice work.


Actually, their Russian was quite good. As it was mentioned before, it was authentic and phrases made sense.
God bless the NFFA!

I am the rocker, I am the roller, I'm an ooouta-controller!


they acted like how foreigners feel about Americans. Obnoxious, violent, loud, and get pleasure in causing misery to others. Basically your typical online poster in the US.
