What did Laura whisper in Coopers ear?
Any idea?
I have no clue, and I think I like it that way. If we knew, the mystery would vanish.
"Fruitcake anyone?"
"My mom is the dreamer."
The best explanation so far.
If there was no return in the 18 hour season called the "Return" that we finally got after 25 years that would be incredibly lame and doesn't fit the facts since most events in the series didn't directly relate to Cooper and there's no indication he was aware they were happening. I was hoping for something more substantive than the whole season or series was just Cooper or anyone else having a dream. That said, it's about as likely to be what Lynch had in mind as most other (wildly contradictory) theories out there. We need a season 4.
"I AM the FBI."
This Youtube link you posted was really brilliant analysis.
sharePerhaps the theory presented in that youtube video was good, but I honestly couldn't take more than two minutes of that pretentious douche voice of his before I had to bounce. Oof.
shareThe guy seemed too fixated on Buddhist concepts. Just because Lynch dropped a couple of Tibetan references in the series and practices transcendental meditation doesn't mean he's a Buddhist. He's not. Nor is the show Buddhist. It includes Christian allusions and explicit references, discussions of American Indian folklore, and a hodgepodge of other stuff. The Secret History even had mentions of Celtic spirits. Though he no longer belongs to a particular organized religion he's not opposed to them and Lynch himself believes in God.
I don't think the point of Twin Peaks is that people should abandon all "attachments". Cooper was trying to save Annie out of both duty and love, and I doubt Lynch sees either of those as a bad thing. He went out of his way to say that love is a key to opening the White Lodge. Laura was no Jesus, but her sacrifice in FWWM and her desire to protect people like James and Donna were ultimately more Christian than Buddhist in theme. They even had Christian style angels, both representing divine intervention to save Ronette Pulaski after she showed remorse and to comfort Laura at the end, showing that despite the angel vanishing from her painting earlier God and the angels hadn't abandoned her after all. Plus in the original series you had Mike saying he had been Bob's evil pal until he "saw the face of God" and reformed. That's like Saul/Paul right out of the New Testament.
Laura told Cooper she'd see him again in 25 years. That points away from the notion that he's spent the past 25 years interacting with and trying to save Laura. It indicates that he did go 25 years without seeing her again.
"there's gonna be a lot of angry people"
"I have a vagina dentata"
"wanna know what Mark did with his arm?"
"they all float down here"
"I saw you masturbate on room 315"
"The Giant poops his pants"
If I remember correctly, she told Agent Cooper who killed her.
shareThe young version did. This one is unknown.
shareYour flies are undone.
shareThe same thing that the scientist whispered to rick in the Walking dead