I have a lot of problems with how the Finale went.
And not because stuff wasn't explained. I'm a defender of not explaining things that don't have a "human" logic associated with them [such as the Nature of the Loges, what Jowday is, how things in the Lodges work, etc].
I am, however, a defender of tying things up nice and tightly.
I'm quite unsure on we getting a Season 4 or a movie [though I assume we will eventually get at least a movie], but as to what the finale is concerned, I'm somewhat pissed. Pissed isn't exactly the word, more like disappointed with the end result.
1 - inserting a creature of evilness that we only get to see glimpses of in action 3 times [1 generating Bob and the insects, another one killing the 2 guys in the beginning and finally through Sarah] and simply stating that that creature is being searched for some time by Briggs and Jeffries [as told by Gordon] without any more information on "why" that is, is - for the lack of a better term - bad writing. Inserting an element to a story that is briefly glanced over never to be seen again. although making it pivotal to the story via imagery, is not a good thing. Throughout the Season we were told by DoppelCooper that he is searching for that creature [he shows the card representing it] and we don't know why, how and never get to see him actually pursuing the creature itself. We get a glimpse of it via the photo of him and another guy besides that Glass box [where the creature appeared]. We never hear or see from it again.
2 - The Glass Box thread itself is lost. It goes nowhere, is not touched upon ever again and is a dead end. Bad story telling.
3 - Again, like in Twin Peaks original series, random stuff thrown in that are unimportant and ineffectual to the main story itself. Did the messed up face guy that was in prison have any relevancy to the story? Was he Bobby? Why should I even care?
3 - A random character that appears close to the Finale is the one that conquers the big bad guy. No reason for this whatsoever. There is no gravitas in the character to give him such an important role specially when we see Cooper and Laura [specifically] fighting him. Either one of these two should be endowed rightfully such task.
4 - Audrey. Don't care. Annie would be more suited to give any sort of nod to. Again, it was Annie there in the Lodge with Cooper. She was the one telling Laura to write down on her Diary that Dale was trapped in the Lodge.
5 - Time Travel cop out. Ok, I can even give this one a pass to wrap Laura's murder case a definite rest [though I was quite satisfied with her dying and finding peace in the after life in FWWM]. The problem is... it was handled poorly. There were some inconsistencies with the Time Travel thing. Such as an example: If Cooper saves her from being murdered [as we watch it happen], why would he take her to her mother's given that her killer also lived there? And even if we neglect this oddity, why would present Sarah be bashing her photo all possessed and crazy if the murder was avoided? It makes no sense whatsoever.
Even IF Sarah is the kid that swallows the bug in the past, why wouldn't Sarah kill her as soon as she was born?
6 - Naido/Diane was said by Andy that someone wanted to kill her. Well the problem is that DoppelCoop never attempts such a thing. He could have had her killed when he raped her and had a Tulpa made out of her. But he didn't. And why would she be in The Other Place as an eyeless monkey screeching woman? This is quite inconsistent.
7 - We never get to know what Laura is whispering to Cooper either. It started as it ended and there's some beauty in that imagery, but is devoid of information relative to what we actually see unfolding.
8 - The confusing part where Laura now is someone else [and aparently Coop and Diane are Richard and Linda.... I think...?] also doesn't make much sense. Why wouldn't she know she is Laura? Why wouldn't she recognize Cooper from her dreams if she even met him in the past? She could be pretending to be someone else to escape her horrible life [she says she was young and didn't know any better, which kind of wraps that part up], but wouldn't make much sense that she didn't remember she is Laura. And why would Cooper take her to her mother's place if - given that Leyland never killed her - her father would probably be living there still possessed? [We also know that her - for no reason whatsoever - possessed mother is there... and calls for her making her scream].
9 - "We live inside a dream" is never explained. We know it has something to do with the Lodges and whatnot, but no connecting thread is made.
And finally what do you make of that part in which Cooper's face hangs on screen for a long time when he is with Naido/Diane?