Yeah... I feel like I would've liked this movie more had I heard half of it. There was way too much of a difference in volume between the action/music and the dialogue. I ended up watching the whole thing with captions. I seriously would have missed half the story without.
I took my own advice and re-watched with subtitles. It makes a huge difference. So many little things that were said that I missed the first time. The sucky thing about subtitles though is that then you miss all the great visuals. Anyway, good film, I didn't mind watching twice, but I really can't believe how badly the audio production team did on this.
Damn I thought it was me too! I had that movie on full blast on my tv and missed about 60-70% of what Patrick Stewart said and probably 20% or more of overall dialogue PLUS the music audio and special effects audio came through so loud at times I had to mute the damn thing because it was just easier than constantly turning the volume up and down. I really enjoyed this film but that audio issue was a big pain in the ass.
It's not a problem with the sound editing, it's the delivery of some of the lines, the sound is great in the movie it's just the actors sometime said their lines quick, mumbled, or so on. Besides its more realistic that way, I have great hearing but every once in a while I still have to ask someone to repeat. You're not always going to catch every word in real life so the delivery is just that much more realistic to me.
Liked the film but agree with the posters on this thread, I really strained to hear a lot of the dialog. Saying it's "realistic" isn't much of an excuse because what kind of filmmaker doesn't want the audience to hear what the characters are saying? Just poor sound editing.
I don't know if the way it was was intentional but I don't think it's a sound editing issue, I just think the actors execution of the dialogue was sometimes too quick to catch it easily and sometimes the delivery was mumbled but that's a issue in the actors delivery not the sound editing. I was just saying that for me it felt more realistic that not every word was said loud and clear for an audience. Issue or not I just don't think it was a sound edit issue. Sorry for the repetitive post lol.
Even so, there's a thing called ADR where actors can re-record their lines if it didn't come through clean on the day of the shoot. In many movies, the live dialog is almost entirely replaced, due to other noise on the set.
Oh well. The main reason I replied is because a lot of the people on this board struggle to find a good reason they didn't like it so they resort to blaming the sound editing for why they didn't catch certain plot points even though the plot wasn't spoken as much as visual. It's a divisive film so many are bound to dislike it, I just hate when people resort to bull crap reasons to blame the film for their lack of enjoyment.
Er... no. The sound was crap, hence people are unhappy. Simple as that.
I like the movie other than that, and gave it a 7. Changed it to 1 after I saw that other people had sound issues too, and it wasn't because I was watching it on YouTube.
"Its more realistic that way?" That may be the biggest load of BS I have ever read, apologist nonsense trying to explain away a major flaw as if it somehow enhanced the realism. You must be the director or his friend because it just boggles my mind how ridiculous that statement is. It also in fact was all down to the sound department doing a bad job and nothing about it was because of mumbling so I dont know why, everyone here who watched the movie knows this but theres always gotta be a contrarian.
Hey look another nut job who thinks I'm a shill. I admit I am defensive of the film but you shouldn't be dumb enough to think I'm a shill. The reason I don't think it was a sound editing issue was because aside from those moments of dialogue that are difficult to catch the sound effects, score, and so on are great. If you went on to read other posts I had responding I said I didn't know whether or not it was intentional. So go be a dick somewhere else.
It's gotten to the point that I have to use subtitles for most movies. Action, horror, comedy...music and sound effects are sooo loud I have to turn it down and then the actually dialogue is almost inaudible, I have to turn it back up!