2) Get Stewart closer to the door then fire point blank. That looks like the a heavy N framed revolver, .44 if not higher. It would go through the door, blow Stewarts back out and split the wall
3) Rush the door using anything in the room to overwhelm the one or 2 remaining skinheads outside
You would obviously use the band and noise playing as cover. Stick together and move, see someone with a gun fire at them only.
Bunch of pussies really. And they were going to die anyway, after what they saw they would not have been leaving alive anyway. Might as well die trying.
I'm sorry, but this is just dumb and makes you sound like just another typical keyboard warrior.
1) Slit fat guys throat with boxcutter
Uh, you know why no one from the band killed him? Because they're not killers, have never killed before, and certainly didn't want to kill him.
You just don't decide to become a murderer from one moment to the next.
2) Get Stewart closer to the door then fire point blank. That looks like the a heavy N framed revolver, .44 if not higher. It would go through the door, blow Stewarts back out and split the wall
That's just stupid. Sorry, but it is. At that point, they have no idea what's going on, and they certainly have no reason to trust/distrust what's being said to them, because the danger hadn't been made apparent to them (personally) just yet.
What if Darcy was telling the truth, and they ended up killing an old man over nothing...? Yeah.
And there's no guarantee whatsoever that the bullet would go through and/or hit him, which is why you just don't go shooting at someone, through a door, when you don't even know what your current situation REALLY is.
3) Rush the door using anything in the room to overwhelm the one or 2 remaining skinheads outside
The one or 2 remaining skinheads outside? Is this a joke, or were you not watching the same movie...?
Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM? reply share
One or two outside in the hallway, the rest are occupied with the band playing in the beginning. And yes a .44 would go through a door no hesitation. And they have a big clue what is going on when you are surrounded by skinheads with one dead on the floor and the boss obviously is the one talking to you. Put two and two together. And look what happened in the end. Most everyone died, thanks to a generic Hollywood ending, in reality no one would make it out.
You're looking at it at the point of view of an omniscient audience member. The band in the movie had no idea what was going on. They didn't know Darcy was "the boss". From their perspective, he was just the owner of the building.
Like Giraffe said, if they shoot through the door and they successfully kill Darcy, they could just be killing some old man who is trying to resolve the situation without incident.
They should have learnt to play "God Gave Rock N Roll To You " and travelled back in time like Bill & Ted to win the heart of the audience, but they didn't. Maybe they were panicked or under duress or something. I actually did see the drugs/drug lab as leverage and could have threatened to burn it all and the venue, maybe to send a smoke signal to the emergency services, that was my thinking. That might have killed them all real fast tho Or they coulda learned ninja skills (like anti-dog karate or something)