Screw the AFA, this show rocks. Can I get an Amen?!
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer
shareHaha! That's cute :D
shareAmen!! But what is the AFA?
shareAFA is The American Family Association that started the "One Million Moms" group that protests broadcast content that doesn't meet their "family values" criteria.
The good news is, it's really just a father-son team (see AFA Wikipedia) and there are nowhere near a million moms doing anything. Dad and son are a racist/homophobic/misogynistic duo who know how to tell a lie and scare people (nice family values). They boast lots of victories, taking credit when something does get taken off the air or a product is pulled, but it's highly doubtful they're responsible. Their petition to get Lucifer yanked from the screen only got about 30k signatures, so nowhere close to the "million moms" they claim supported the action. They recently took the petition off their website because it just wasn't going anywhere.
Neil Gaiman is a vocal critic of "One Million Moms" and even joked recently that he was happy to see that 970,000 moms were enjoying Lucifer so much. lol.
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer
Gotcha, just two very sad people, who are bullies and so unhappy they must make everyone miserable. The joke is on them as this show has more values than most shows on right now.! I.
shareFather - son team.
Now that sounds a bit suspect.
Where is Mum?
You know most people here don't believe in God or a higher power right?
shareActually not true. A lot of people here do, probably most.
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer
I could be wrong but I assume most people on this board are from the USA, since that's where the show airs. Rumor has it there are lots of believers in the USA. So I'd say most people on this board believe in a higher power.
shareThere's a thread not too far down asking if there are any Christian viewers of the show. There are a lot, believe it or not. Myself included. Most Christians aren't as bad as the media would have you believe. It's just that the worst of the lot get the most exposure. That's the case for every religion, it seems.
shareYep, 71% US citizens identified themselves as Christian in 2014. Down from 78% in 2007.
And I'm pretty sure the same ratio applies to this board. Fortunately, it's mostly only the good Christians who come here. :)
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer
Amen - what a great show. Love it.