Boycott more effective than Petition?
I'm sure everyone's heard how UBER's CEO resigned from Trump's advisory panel and donated $3 million to immigration representation in response to the massive Uber app dump and boycott?
So perhaps we should be getting Jeff Bezos' attention by threatening his bank account?
I do a lot of shopping on Amazon and I'm not happy with him. Not feeling like giving him any more of my money. His Twitter is @JeffBezos if you want to let him know you're not happy and will boycott his other company if he goes through with the IMDB boards closure.
We should come up with a hashtag. #BoycottAmazon? #SaveIMDB? lol. Really original. But people are already boycotting because Amazon sells Ivanka Trump merchandise. Might as well jump on the boycott train while it's got some steam. I'm sure he doesn't like having so much negative attention focused on him.
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer