My eye-rolls have begun

Can the directors PLEASE stop with that shrill manufactured scream-sounding noise every time they want people to jump? Can we please decide for ourselves what's scary or not? It's just a noise. When you see something silent on the screen it can be so much scarier than a fake noise that wouldn't ever happen in real life - what's that supposed to be anyway?
Jump scares are so unsatisfying. There's no build up, and you come down quickly. WORK for it, damnit. Based on the trailer alone, I won't be seeing it unless it's free and shoved in my face.

“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”-George Orwell


Shut up

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


I like how you told me to shutup and your signatory says what a lovely day. You're a kooky contradiction. Has anyone ever told you that? Anyhoo, it was swell of you to stop by. Wanna go get coffee sometime? Maybe some tacos? Do you like tacos?

“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”-George Orwell


The scream sounding noise is made to amplify your already present fear, both from the movie and general instinct, you don't like it you can fcrk off !

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


My point was (I will try to make myself clear so you can understand), the pop up screaming doesn't scare me. Are you personally tied to the movie, like the screenwriter or director? Trying to glean why you're so extremely sensitive about the subject, or is that just your nature? Some questions that might help: Did you receive a lot of 'Participation Awards' as a child? Do you typically require 'safe spaces' to handle normal day-to-day situations? Do you come from a broken home? Do you take part in a lot of rallys and protests just to hear your own voice? Can you tell I am not shutting up or effing off yet?

“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”-George Orwell


Well arent you a big boy. I dont believe you. Or maybe you have depression idk...

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


You don't believe me that I don't get scared with jump scares? It's from watching many many horrors and thrillers over many years. Only quality stuff scares me.
And I am happy as a clam, so weird you'd say that. Very weird, almost like you couldn't think of anything else to say.

“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”-George Orwell


The combination of senses, music is effective, so if it were silent, it likely wouldn't have the same impact... but I agree it can be so hack.

👣 Web



What's an example of an "earned" jump scare?


That's the modern day horror for you. Either a crappy supernatural film that's been overly done this turn of the millennium, a 'torture porn' film that relies on excessive gore, or a film that relies on ramping up the volume to give the audience a heart attack.

There's no originality anymore.


Jump scares are a literal joke to me. Everything goes quiet and I say "oh boy, here comes an embarrassing attempt to scare me." And then something embarrassing happens and then I laugh.


Yes, even my 11 yr old is unimpressed.

“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it”-George Orwell


I totally agree. Horror video game makers do the same damn thing. Nearly blew out my eardrums playing a game with my headphones on. The sound is not scary and is highly annoying.

SJWs can
